Monday, April 28, 2008


chot is out playing soccer n nura is asleep. i'm praying she sleeps through the night but realistically i so feel it's another sleepless night for her n me. she's starting to cough, deep rattling painful sounding cough... poor baby. in an attempt to give her a better night's sleep, i've called the clinic and asked if i can "drug" her with benadryl. they don't suggest it but said 1/2 a teaspoon is ok... maybe it'll work to clear her runny nose n she won't be awaken by mucous plugged nostrils.

on my end, i'm turning into a bit of a zombie. when i have time to nap/ sleep... i can't doze off... oh well...

the basement. so far, we're watching the weather closely. they say no more rain. and by mid week, the water situation will ease up. so much water from the melting snow n downpour raised the watertable n water backed up into buildings da... da... da...

so, the logical thing to do is to install a sump pump... and to do that, we need to tear down the basement bathroom. and i'm kindda happy that it's happening. that bathroom is a bit creepy for me n now we're getting all new stuff. new stuff cost money but pejam mata jek lah...

hmmmm... with the weather getting better, my mind is racing, thinking of home improvements i am going to do. i'm ready to go!!!!... slap on a lot of paint, tear out old flooring, put in new one hahaha... ehm ehm... hope my enthusiasm lasts...

and now, pictures : )...

Friday, April 25, 2008

sabau jek lah

for non malay readers (do i have any??)... the title means "give me patience"... or something like that : )... coz i sure need it...

our basement is flooded once again. i went down around 7 am after hearing suspicious noises. chot was already down there, trying to prevent water from spilling into the dry part of le basement. he was half way getting ready for work, in his undershirt and underwear... but wrapped his towel around his waist just so not to offend neighbors.

and i started shovelling water out using the snow shovel (kindda works well) while chot went to the home improvement store(s) to get a pump for is shop vac. unfortunately, he came home empty handed... all stores are all out of the pump. which makes me feel a bit better knowing we are not the only one facing this watery mess... but it still sucks BIG time.

can i sue someone for this mess??... : (

nura is still sick... n i'm sick with all the cranky-ness and this house sooooo pushing my buttons. we were planning to re-do the bathroom but now we have to think of the basement. chot has started to call contractors... we need a sump pump installed...

I HATE THIS HOUSE... the end.

Monday, April 21, 2008

oh boy!!!

we went away last weekend and came home sunday night to a wet, musty n dirty basement. the drain that was suppose to take water OUT, let water IN. I HATE THIS HOUSE... SSSSOOO MUCH RIGHT NOW.

chot took a day off to do damage control. it's now close to 3 pm... he has been clearing n cleaning since 8 this morning. kasihan chot...

i did go to assist and now am so sleppy from nura waking up every hour last night. her nose is runny... n so is mine. eeerrrwwwhhhh...

ah... nura. these past 2 weeks, she has been pulling herself up in her crib n last weekend, managed to crawl forward. she did started to crawl before but when the whole i-felt-victorious-standing-myself-up-now-nothing-else-matters phase started, learning other tricks took a back seat.

i am going to take a few tylenols... getting sick is not an option. will update soon...

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

snips of stories

am here on the couch, waiting for my pasta to cook. a woodpecker is outside, pecking on our tree. and earlier, a bird flew into the living room window. a loud thud an i saw a black thing bounced off it. looked outside but didn't see an unconcious bird so i guess it's ok.

a lot of activities outside with the "wildlife", but still not warm enough for nura to venture out for a stroll around the neighborhood. wish it gets warmer soon.

nura is getting good at sitting herself up all by herself. so much so, it's all she does now. i go to get her after naps n there she'd be, sitting in her crib. but this new trick is a bit hazardous coz just last night she did it in her semi-sleep state. i thought she was cranky from gas (that's another story)... she was crying n crying so i decided to let her cry herself back to sleep. she did after 30 minutes... an hour passed n she cried again. so i decided to go in n console her a bit, put some vapor rub on her tummy. AND THERE SHE WAS, FOLDED IN TWO. at some point, she sat up and didn't un-sit herself. and after some time of crying, just lay her head between her legs. qua qua qua...

today, chot will come home early, he went to work at 6:30 am. i should go take a shower n finish cooking dinner.

Friday, April 04, 2008


i'm making myself write this post because tomorrow nura will turn 8 months old... yey!!!

let see, she can sit unassisted, a pro at it actually. and the acrobatics she's been doing was probably to push herself into a sitting position. so far, she managed to sit herself up on two occasions. both times were in her crib, sitting there, waiting n crying for me to come get her. i feel she gets that extra motivation she needed when she wails n protests at me for not coming to her quick enough.

she can also crawl a few steps forward. she put her hands out wanting to be picked up. prefers me over chot... she can push her mobile for more music and pull at the dangly mobile toys. she sucks on her two right finger non-stop. barely managing to suck on he toes... can't bear to be left alone. when we put her in her highchair, she'll cry from not getting her food quick enough, and soon after, cry from not getting out of her chair fast enough. hates, hates, hates getting her food pasted face wiped...

anyways, i always check on her before i go to bed. and yesterday i peeked in and saw her in the most unnatural sleeping position ever. so thinking i HAVE to relieve her from her suffering, i went in and flip her on her back. BIG MISTAKE... instead of making her sleep comfortable, i've succeeded in making myself UNcomfortable. *sigh* all i did was wake her up. and upon seeing me walk out of the room, she started to whimper, n whimper developed into cries n soon after, major major meltdown. she finally slept at 12 midnight (n so did i). SO if the baby had twisted herself into a pretzel in her sleep, unless she cries for help, don't undo it... saves everyone from unnecessary hardship.

i want to check facebook now : D... until next time.