Monday, July 30, 2007

no action yet

so, i'm still here, no changes in my current pregnant condition. i'm not complaining since i think being "late" buys me more time to prepare. but that's the whole thing, prepare for what exactly??

chot's was fidgety a week or so before my due date. asking me tons of questions when i came back from the doctor's office. asking me if there's any changes, if i'm dialated and if i felt ok, so on and so on... and so on.

i pointed out to him of his restlessness, seemed like he's bothered that i'm not following the timetable. if my due date is so and so, something should happen by now or i won't meet my deadline kind of thinking.

and as soon as i ended my sentence. he said, "i know u, if it was up to u, u'll be late for as long as u can". so true!!!... but to my defense, it's not like i'm posponing the arrival of our baby through mind control. she's just wants to stay in for now. the troubles of the world must be scaring her, much2 more safer to stay inside.

so, what is it with meeting the due date?? it's a guess date anyways. tell me how many ladies out there gave birth come their due date?? highly unlikely right?? so, no worries. Plus, the doctor says since i'm ok and the baby is ok, she'll give me up to 10 days. we'll see how long this goes on.

anyways, there might be a downside to keeping the baby longer. i was paying for coffee at barnes and nobles yesterday and the lady asked "u'r pretty big, when are u due??", to which i answered "ammmm... yesterday". it was quite funny really, until it occured to me that the baby will not stop growing and i will continue to expand... qua qua qua...

anyways, a picture with the peaches in the backyard.

Monday, July 23, 2007

battle for the peaches

this year, we're blessed with peaches. last year we only got one stinkin' peach from 2 full grown trees!!! it depends on how the weather is really, if it suddenly gets cold or there's frost, the buds will be stunted. this year, there's no cherries and the plums are puny. but the peaches and apples looks good.

the abundance of peaches made the branches droop, i was worries they'll all break. i think we're suppose to discard some so the ones that's left will grow bigger but luckily we didn't since the squirrels were being such pests and constantly attack the peaches. if we did discard some and then factor in the squirrels, we'd end up with none.

then my in-laws came into the picture. as soon as they got here, they got possessive over our fruit trees, and since the peaches are the first to ripen, it's peaches this and that. everyday, they'll report to us on the squirrel activity. how many squirrels, their sizes, their manners. how the squirrels are ruining the fruits.

these observations turned into hatred, they began keeping watch. once i saw them lurking behind some bushes trying to surprise the squirrels i guess. and i saw a makeshift sling shot in the basement. chot told me of ayah relating to him seeing our neighbor's kid patrolling their vegetable patch with a BB gun. ayah came "this close" to asking for a BB gun of his own...

once, to everyone's surprise, ayah went and caught a squirrel with his bare hands. he was out of breath and got his thumb bitten in the process... but the look of joy on his face... priceless!!! i was soooooooo sure we were going to have squirrel curry for dinner that night but he let it go. if u look closely, u can even see ayah's bloodied thumb...

for now, the talk of squirrels and peaches are no more. ayah and mama went and harvested all the peaches... even the unripen ones. next will be the apples!!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Tasmanian sweetheart

new picture of Adam... i think he looks pretty dashing, with his hair all slick like that... boleh chop tak utk this baby in my tummy??...

gosh i miss them... tasmania is so far away...

Friday, July 13, 2007

still pregnant

tomorrow i'll be at 38 weeks. i don't think i'll be delivering early since seeing the doctor on July 10th and she said i'll probably deliver close to my due date.

the baby's head is in place but she's still up there. i'm not even dialated yet just my cervics has started to thin out. so sorry to those that received news from me of being/ started to dialate, i must have heard the doctor wrong when i was there previously.

so, it's just a matter of waiting. some days i'd get the heebie jeebies... and some days i'm ok. chot said he's scared and unprepared. i guess we somewhat feel the same, us being first time parents, there's a lot of unknowns.
i wish i had my mom with me... i know, i know... my MIL is here and she's my "mom" but if i get to choose, i want my real mom... that would be great. but beggers can't be choosers. AND, i have a long list of phone numbers of friends to call for advise on issues regarding caring for baby.

i went to a few baby classes. not the whole she bang... just managed to get into the last of a series of pre-natal classes (i called too late) and it was on what to expect after delivery, post-partum etc. and went to a breastfeeding class on tuesday. The instructor did say to bring our partner along, but i went to the breastfeeding class without chot. There were 2 guys there and coming back from it, i told him and he promply replied "those guys just want to see pictures of boobies"... go figure.

but the good thing about our small town hospital, the support system is good and more personal. a lactationist is always around on the floor and they take turns minding the breastfeeding hotline. there's another hotline for other baby questions. also, there's a breastfeeding mothers' support group that meets every wednesday. insyaallah, i'll be ok... clueless at times but ok.

anyways... i was fiddling on the computer a couple of days ago and i wound up looking through some older photos of me in my first trimester. a bit alarmed at how poofy my face is now... ok, ok... i AM very pregnant these days but it didn't diminish the ickyness i felt... ahhhh... soooo superficial. and a gurdle my MIL brought from malaysia... a size M. i took one look at it and wondered how the hell am i going to fit into that!!!
so here's some pictures to compare.