the abundance of peaches made the branches droop, i was worries they'll all break. i think we're suppose to discard some so the ones that's left will grow bigger but luckily we didn't since the squirrels were being such pests and constantly attack the peaches. if we did discard some and then factor in the squirrels, we'd end up with none.
then my in-laws came into the picture. as soon as they got here, they got possessive over our fruit trees, and since the peaches are the first to ripen, it's peaches this and that. everyday, they'll report to us on the squirrel activity. how many squirrels, their sizes, their manners. how the squirrels are ruining the fruits.
these observations turned into hatred, they began keeping watch. once i saw them lurking behind some bushes trying to surprise the squirrels i guess. and i saw a makeshift sling shot in the basement. chot told me of ayah relating to him seeing our neighbor's kid patrolling their vegetable patch with a BB gun. ayah came "this close" to asking for a BB gun of his own...
once, to everyone's surprise, ayah went and caught a squirrel with his bare hands. he was out of breath and got his thumb bitten in the process... but the look of joy on his face... priceless!!! i was soooooooo sure we were going to have squirrel curry for dinner that night but he let it go. if u look closely, u can even see ayah's bloodied thumb...
for now, the talk of squirrels and peaches are no more. ayah and mama went and harvested all the peaches... even the unripen ones. next will be the apples!!!
i like :D
la..sian shu sampai kena gigit ngan squirrel tu..ehehe..aik tak sakit ke?
dia tak perasan pun jari berdarah. but all is well now.
la...tak keluar lagi?qua qua qua..
Moga semua selamat, ya Win?
Take care.
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