thank you for the birthday wish people.
i'm writing this especially for my sister yohaniz (we call her dedek) coz it's her birthday too. she's 30 today and i'm exactly a year older. although i don't think she reads my blog but what the hell, it doesn't hurt to put my thoughts down.
her & i were born on the same day, a year apart. such good timing i have to say for my mom to hit the same date 2 year in a row. what's the probability of that i wonder??
but the similarity ends there. we look different, have different hair type, different look... different, different different. and we hate each other's guts growing up... actually, it's more of her hating mine & i just returned the compliment. she's a clean & neat freak even when we were little. if i accidentally touched her she'll start huffing and puffing, saying "jangan la sentuh, kau tak mandi lagi"... or something like that. what a quack...
: D... so we sisters never grew to liking each other. and never got a chance to get to really spending quality sister time & do whatever sisters do. then we went to different boarding schools, different universities and all that. started work at different malaysian states. only seeing each other when i go back for long holidays. then i got married & moved to the states... how far away can i go right??... doesn't help getting close to siblings that's for sure.
i wasn't there when she got married (i wanted to go back but with all the medical bills i inccured, i just can't make myself). so i missed that, missed her delivery of her first daughter, husna. missed visiting her when she was unwell. see, she recently had to have her left ovary removed due to a cyst that was growing on it. the thing twisted a few times causing her ovary & cyst combo to die. when the doctor cut her up, the thing was already rotting...
and knowing i'll be missing a lot more by living so far away from home. shucks!!! suddenly felt like hopping on a plane for a visit... if only it was that easy.
anyways, as we got older, we just kindda mellowed... we try to email once in a while and i talk to her sometimes on the phone. she sends me pictures of husna.

anyways, happy birthday dek... hope to see you soon.
Happy Birthday Win and sis.. what's up in US.. here cold..snow.. rains.. and life is just boring as usual...
hey deqya,
thanks. snow & cold... no rain. a few times jugak dah snow & ada la a foot of snow just sitting in the backyard.
u know anis right??
Awin......just wanna respond 2 ur earlier comment...but 1stly...eppi b'day....tak sangka ur besday n redza tak jauh beza..his was on 6/2 making im 32 yrs old...meaning u r also an aquarian, jus like eiqbal our son who will celebrate his 5th besday on 14/2, valentine day baby...hopefully he doesnt grow up to be a heartbreaker or a romeo....
i do read ur blog on a daily basis. normally i read ur blog either during lunch time or after office hr i.e after 5.30 while waiting 4 redza 2 fetch me. wen i do read ur blog during lunch hr my colleague yg stop by will always ask sape nie...i jus tell em ol friend yg keje kat us. however it has been 7 wks since i read ur blog sbb i was on a long mc. fractured my ankle bone u see, fell down d stairs n the left foot gotta be cast. so bile masuk opis i read abt yur pregnancy n told redza to read it too.good news indeed!!
i don normally put any comment s mos of yur story is abt ur life in u.s...n i've never experience life outside malaysia, being a local grad. but if it is sthg i can relate i wld comment. lagipun d few times i met u, u r very quiet. guess u r d quiet type. unlike me who is a bit chatty..
anyway abt naming yur kid either seri or tuah....redza cringe at it..yelah cam nama org dolu dolu..well mebbe chot wan a pahlawan melayu for a son n pompuan melayu terakhir for a girl!!
abt chot being scared looking at ur growing tummy, show it to im wen it's abt 7 to 8 mths...that will give him nightmare...cos i remembered wen my tummy grew huge, i sat infront of the mirror bersila with only my undies...i look exactly like the sami buddha yg perut buncit tu....n i am a natural santa claus x'cept for d beard n shrilling n shrieking voice..hahahaha!!
oklah byk lak i bercerita....i'm like dat..hope i don bore u...enjoy ur day at omaha n do take care of yur health.
n redza kirim salam 2 d both of u..
ezzel & redza
hello ezzel,
TQ, i am pretty sure redza's birthday is close to mine coz he said so a few times. but didn't know eigbal but close. on valentines pulak, now that's special : ).
i seeeeee... i didn't have a clue u come to my blog that often. but i do that too actually. visit senyap2... which i think is all gooooddd!!!
aisey, sorry if i seemed a bit quiet the few times we met. win memang macam tu, lambat sikit nak warm up engine bila jumpa orang. masalah sejak kecik lagi. tapi bila dah warm up to new people, win ok actually : D (puji diri sendiri nampak!!!)
some people form early opinion and called me sombong (like some of chot's friends masa they came to the our wedding). that just made me more turn off coz for one, they didn't try to include me in their conversation & then expect me be friendly2 pantas. tak betul2 kenal kita, dah panggil kita sombong... hehheh it happened 5 years ago and i am still pissed. but really ezzel, i'm a nice person : D... really I am...
i know, i think our parents will cringe too about naming our children nama melayu tulen. but we're kindda serious... maybe 50-50. jept even got into the thinking wagon, trying to come up with more nama melayu tulen... he suggested kalau lelaki, kasi nama "jati"... maybe next baby boy... hahaha.
Hi Win,
Happy Birthday...Hope your pregnancy goes well thru and thru.
Take care...
ps:I baru baca from some medical website that makan asparagus senang beranak..akar fatimah tu surela pahit..ehhe..and also org jawa cakap makan cendol byk2..
But I don't mind at all benda2 pahit ni, so long as it really helps...telan je la..
As'kum Win
I was always good to u kan? u takder hard feelings for me kan...even tho u nampak sombong. hehehehe
me cringing? nahhhhh...;)
As'kum Win
I was always good to u kan? u takder hard feelings for me kan...even tho u nampak sombong. hehehehe
me cringing? nahhhhh...;)
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