chot's was fidgety a week or so before my due date. asking me tons of questions when i came back from the doctor's office. asking me if there's any changes, if i'm dialated and if i felt ok, so on and so on... and so on.
i pointed out to him of his restlessness, seemed like he's bothered that i'm not following the timetable. if my due date is so and so, something should happen by now or i won't meet my deadline kind of thinking.
and as soon as i ended my sentence. he said, "i know u, if it was up to u, u'll be late for as long as u can". so true!!!... but to my defense, it's not like i'm posponing the arrival of our baby through mind control. she's just wants to stay in for now. the troubles of the world must be scaring her, much2 more safer to stay inside.
so, what is it with meeting the due date?? it's a guess date anyways. tell me how many ladies out there gave birth come their due date?? highly unlikely right?? so, no worries. Plus, the doctor says since i'm ok and the baby is ok, she'll give me up to 10 days. we'll see how long this goes on.
anyways, there might be a downside to keeping the baby longer. i was paying for coffee at barnes and nobles yesterday and the lady asked "u'r pretty big, when are u due??", to which i answered "ammmm... yesterday". it was quite funny really, until it occured to me that the baby will not stop growing and i will continue to expand... qua qua qua...
anyways, a picture with the peaches in the backyard.