: )... so, this is our precious Nura, alhamdulillah, allah hu akhbar. Chot and i are so thankful everything went well and nura is a healthy baby and we love her very much.
she weights 6lbs 11.2 ozs at birth (what is that in kg??), i dunno how long she is but she has a head of black hair.
she was born 8 days overdue and i felt strong contractions around 3 am sunday morning August 5th. after subuh prayer and a shower, chot drove me to the hospital and i was admitted. was dialating at 3 to 4 cm and got an epidural in the first hour there. in the next hour, was dialating at 5 to 6 cm. at 12 noon, was fully dialated and nura's head was a finger's length away from crowning. the epidural was a bit strong for me because i was numb as numb can be, couldn't feel a thing... which i am not complaining.
so, they turn the epidural machine off and waited till 2:30 to have me push. i was still not feeling anything but went ahead and started pushing anyways. and at 4:43pm, nura came into the world.
chot was by my side all the way. helped me push and took photos. the doctor asked him if he wanted to cut the cord but he said no. it's scary enough being in the room for him i think, so no one insisted he do it. but he took a lot of "in the moment" pictures... admirable considering everything that's going on.
we stayed in the hospital for 2 days, going home early tuesday evening. thank you kak ellie for sharing some info with the others. the lightning got our modem, wireless router and some other computer component. we had to (reluctantly) buy new stuff... a computer too.
thank you everyone for the well wishes left in the comments section... nice to know u have people thinking of u, and wondering how ur going. i think this post satisfy all inquiries... ya???
Nura is starting to wiggle and i know soon she'll ask for milk. she's 5 days old today by the way. i've uploaded pictures of the birthing, click here. i'll try to share more stories and pictures soon insyaallah.