so, i have to keep it short and simple.
had 2 previous drafts, trying to tell the same story and still it didn't get publish.
nura went into hospital for 3 days, high fever, 100.6 F. went in last sunday, went home wedneday. they poke her for spinal fluid, many times drawing blood and stuck an i.v on her. VERY TRAUMATIC for me.
bacteria in urine. hope it's a one time thing... but doc. will follow up on a test on her urine valve.
she's fine now.
i'll have to take better pics of her.
she's gaining weight. being an inexperience mom, i freak out a bit when i realized she was developing a double chin. i thought her chin was swollen!!!... qua qua qua. but being in the hospital at that time didn't help..., i took every changes in her to be an illness.
i'll post pics from the hospital later.
alahai makin shomey budak kecik ni...n hey, she's got her daddy's smile! sorry to hear she had to be hospitalized..spinal fluid *sob* sounds traumatizing n i can't imagine such a lil' baby having to be poked n prodded...but alhamdulillah, she's fine now ya?
don't freak out with her weightgain la..i did too! but then i started freakin' out more when Aqila started to 'lose' weight or rather her weight remained static for the longest time after 6's normal to gain in the beginning because they'll lose it before they start crawling, i guess...
how's the BF-ing btw? hope all is well..kisses for the lil' one.. :-D
Al hamdolilah she is doing fine ... glas to hear that ...
i guess she is a mixture of both of u guys... in pic she is looking like nazry n in other tree like u .. lolzzz
sooooo shweeeet very cute baby mashALLAH
Dear Win..
Congratulations on having the new addition to the family.. remember me .. kak nieza or you guys at MCC used to call me kak Mike kuang kuang kuang.. I met you once when I went to TN..
Used to call Peoria my hometown.. I miss Bradley and Peoria so very much.. How's peoria nowadays eh? oh no.. you're in Iowa now..
Didn't know that you're from Perling? I'm staying here in JB like forever!! heheheh almost 10 years now.. my place is bout 10 km from perling..
Feel free to visit my sites.. or or heheheh 3 sites huhh but very hard to maintain all of them that I rarely update the content..
p/s: that girl with the name azlinawati your batch rite?? apa ke nama nick dia.. tah le.. lupa.. fancy sgt.. dort? chot? ke apa.. ehh chot your hubby hehehhe kim slm la kat dia yekk.. and to chot as well...
hey marina
thanks. i guess we need to get use to nura geting sick. but praying no serious illnesses.
gotcha. yesterday she weight in at 8 lbs 1 oz. even when she can't breath proper from hidung tersumbat, dia wallup at my boobs just the same... god job nura!!!
i guess so too. she doesn't look like only one of us at this point. she looks like her!!!
kak mike,
long lost kawan!!!
dah snoop kak mike's fotopages a bit. anak dah besar ye...
kak mana kak mike duduk?? kerja kat mana ka mike??
anyways, azlinawaty we called her apex, tot, titot... apa lagi i can't remember...
Win dearie..
can I have your email please
from me.. kak nieza (a.k.a mike).. ur email please.. will story later in email..
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