what marks this milestone??... let see, she's chubbier and weights 8 lbs and 8 ozs. last friday. i tried putting on this cute dress ellie got her but it's still a bit big.
alamak, she's awake... she wants food... ok, quickly....
she eats a lot and then barf it out soon after. but mostly, it stays down.
she's a bit impatient.
she regular... bowel movement wise.
she makes cute faces... makes cute sounds (when she's not fussy)
she smiles more now when she's full and content. laughs even... so cute...
ok... she's crying her eyes out... happy 1 month old nura, ibu and ayah loves you.
ala..ala..ala...cute nye dier....dah sebulan ye Nura....alamak...hisap jari ke? puting mana? tak nak dah?
jeffrey tengok terus dtg kat pc ni...he makes sounds excited lah pulak....lol...
her eyes looks more bulat now when she awake....alamak geram nye auntie Ellie. meh dtg sini meh, nanti kiter gi Zoo tengok penguin ok?
hi awin n chot,
finally got to c nora up close. alamak kechik nye dia.....the hand looks bigger than her. cenonet betul.
can't tell who she looks like but u kno babies change their look every day. one day she looks like d ayah, one day she looks like d ibu, one day she looks like the atok, one day she looks like the wan n who knows one day she looks like gisele!!but s u said it, nura looks like nura!
good to c she doesn't hv chot's eyebrow!ahak!ahak!if she does, then she hv to spend some time in front of the mirror!but she does have lotsa hair tho, dah blh letak all those cute clips on the head. she does have a big round eyes tho maybe due to the fact that both of you hv big round eyes, unlike redza n i sorg mata sepet sorg mata bulat!!so eiqbal got a mixture, his eyes is in between sepet n bulat!
ok lah byk plak my ramblings.....take care n hugs n kisses to nura from d 3 of us here.
ezzel n redza n eiqbal
kak ellie,
that isap jari pic is a one time thing. she hasn't successfully replicate it yet. we plan not to give puting after 6 pm coz she wakes up malam bila puting dia jatuh. satu kerja la pulak win kena jaga puting dia malam2.
happy birthday to jeffrey, dah besar dah...
nanti nura datang visit, insyaallah.
hello ezzel!!!
sorry la tak balas email. i did try tapi dah a few days tersadai in draft folder.
oh oh... she's fussy... nak salin lampin dia la rasanya.
hi awin.....well it's ok. mmg the 1st 3 mths tu bz, bz, bz n tired sampai kekdg to d pt of being exhausted. The 1st for everyhting on being a mum n taking care of a baby. Been there n done that! At least nura is fine. Eiqbal was colic during d 1st 6 mths. sometimes driving me up d wall! Hv to wake up every hr at nite cos he cries every hr. Ntah ape ntah yg tak kena. Thank ur lucky stars that ur a stay at home mom, unlike me. Pegi opis mcm zombi!!dark circle under d eyes!
Take things slowly n do consult ur doc or other mums if ur not sure abt nura or changes 2 ur body. It helps to reduce the anxiety.
Hi Ina, Comelnya baby .....
sekejap dah sebulan....
masih breatfeed lagi tak?
Take care ...Kak Teh
hi ezzel,
yup, that is the case. alhamdulillah, nura and me are working it out!!! she doesn't asks too much out of me / i am able to meet her needs so far.
kak teh,
how are u?? how's holiday to australia??
yup, still breastfeed... the target is to do it till nura a year old. plus, susu formula kat sini mahal. 2000 dollars/ year rasanya. tak mampu la nak cough up that much.
and it's good for her!!!
nura eyes look like nazri la..eheheh..
good nura, kalau EBM mmg much2 more cheaper!!
lagipon win housewife..so anytime bleh attend nura kan..ehehe
mcm Arif last time..start 3mos old, even dah bekalkan BM pon..dia boleh tak nak..isk..sayang je susu ni..until now still ada susu pon arif refuse.. prefer formula :P
What a darlinggg...she so look like you and chotlah..anak u all kan..CONGRATS my frens! I will send osmething from Malaysia for that cute one of yours
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