but she makes up for it with her smile, cooing and funny faces.
at 2 months, she sleeps longer at night. usually 5 hours before she asks for food or i wake her up.
her lashes are long and thick... but the eyebrows are a bit scary looking. hopefully they'll grow less of a unibrow... (I BLAME CHOT) : )...
and i think she has a dimple on her right cheek... i think...
she weights 10 lbs 8 oz or so about 2 weeks ago. and grown a bit taller.
ok... times up.
I love the closed up shot. Comel gila!! Syahdu je nampak...very poetic like.
She's already 2 months old? Time flies..:)
comel nye dier....ala..ala...alaa....apasal tidur in btwn feeding ni Nura?alahai...cian Mama...
alahai geramnye nak cium cium jer si Nura ni.. but dang Win...ur too far away :-(
i was so delighted when i first discovered that Aqila had inherited my single dimple, in exactly the same spot and side (left cheeck) as mine! unfortunately, the dimple doesn't appear much because my lil girl punye smiles kan very the mahal... seems she inherited that from the daddy la..(yg suka buat muka garang)..i'm so blaming her father for that!
guess they can't help inheriting the good n the bad from both parents huh? :-D
cubit pipi sikit... ;P
Cute nya.....
mak ai pipinya...i wanna cubit-cubit...gerammm...she's soo cute kak win...looking more like u now..
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