a housewife alone at home, obsessed with playing hexic. needed a better way of wasting time so am trying (and loving) this blog thing. use to be a teacher. was once good at expressing thoughts into words, into sentences. now, words are mispronounced, sentences are jumbled... and i regret opening my mouth. this is a story of my life living in a somewhat small town in the midwest. a life i share with my husband chot and our adventures trying to fix a 54 year old house.
Monday, November 03, 2008
presidential election
n now suddenly my hands are cold n i'm nervous thinking of the outcome. they made a mistake of electing bush for a second term, i hope they don't make another mistake by electing mccain.
i wish i can vote coz our lives are affected too.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
12 weeks check up n more
the due date is May 12.
today while chot kept nura company as i was being prodded he reported that nura was saying "walk... walk... walk" as she made her rounds in the building. probably she picked it up from me telling her to walk (instead of hugging my legs n asking to be picked up).
i have videos of nura limited but expanding vocabulary.
first two is of her making the biting into an apple crunch "kkrrrruuunncchh"...
no. 3 is self explanatory...
n the last is of her saying n demonstration "it's stuck"...
the case of the pain in the *toot* floors
here's where we made our mistake. u should have ripped out everything, inspect the condition of the sub floors BEFORE buying our laminate. on the day this particular pic was taken, our new flooring came (ohhh... i dunno... all the way from canada but made in malaysia). we noticed a hump n as we proceed with tearing the old flooring... the significant slooping of about 2 inches from where i stood taking the pic to the fireplace wall.
this is in August, in an attempt to fix the slope, we (well by this point, i have given up, so...) chot piled layers of wood. but it seemed like the floor is moving each time. he put on inches on one side, came back the next day n found out it was higher. so off he went, rising up another section to match up the previous mistake... for months n months he kept at it. layers n layers of wood.
we (yes, we... i had to help when he pored the self leveling cement)... problem is it doesn't really self level itself despite us making it runnier than recommended. plus, for such a large problem to fix... this stuff pored in batches just doesn't cut it... what would cut it is a cement truck.
a couple of weeks after this pic was taken, chot came to the end of his "by hook or by crook, i'll lay the laminate down" insistent/ persistent. came to my "let's cut our loses n put in carpet" (dark) side.
also at this point, we were asking each other, how much weight can the sub floor hold. don't want to continue pouring cement n then having the whole floor fall into the basement!!!...
this was taken Oct. 26 2008, the night before the carpet guys were to come. chot took the day off to finish undoing all the layers of wood, all the layers of cement, grind each n every stapler head n put in new underlayment. he did it all himself...
the next morning, he was still cutting bits n pieces of underlayment in his handsome work clothes.
we all suffered i tell u!!!... he suffered from being tired with work, trying to finish his old pile before moving to the new position. suffered from fulfilling what is required of a jump to a new company. then came the orientation he was made to go to on top of the old pile of work he still had to finish... on top of the new pile of work he was given... (he is working in the same office, before he was a contract worker, now he's ammm... not. so his old boss can still find him n ask about that old pile of work).
came home n had to face the floors!!!... nuff said.
i suffered coz he wasn't around to take over nura duty. all the time i was experiencing 1st trimester symptoms... n an exhausted mother of a 1 year old.
nura suffered... from being cooped up in either her room, or my room or the kicthen. then it got cold outside... more trapped. she got sick (ok... all suffer when she's sick) with a runny nose. then she got a flu shot, fever from teething. not sleeping through the night, cranky n fussy. still teething at this point...
but alas, here we are 5 months later. we have our living room back. pic is of nura trying out the new carpet. she's unsure of all the space but happy regardless.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
bits n pieces
showing me her "gigi"
she wants to do this at least once a day. push my shirt up n lay on my tummy.
saying "nenek"
(the spacing of a post will just go crazy when i upload pics after composing... which just drives me crazy!!!)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
i shouldn't...
my mom mailed this for nura's birthday. it's just hilarious!!!... she looks so alim... hehehe, AMEEN. she's screaming n protest, n if u squint real hard, u can see her two front teeth.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
videos 2... Nura anak ayah
she just refuses to learn to say "ibu"... when i'm needed she just calls by grunting "ermhh... eerrmmhh!!!"...
also, kutnya, the fact that i'm always around makes it unnessesary to learn to say "ibu". like in her head she's saying "this lady is always here, why should i bother with a name for her" kindda thing.
now, when it comes to saying "ayah"... it's totally the opposite. she'll peep through doorways calling "ayah... ayah..." thinking chot is in the other room. n when chot gets home, i'll say "ayah, nura... ayah dah balik..." n she'll look around for her dad.
Nura is her father's daughter... here's the proof...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
August 9th n 10th, Birthday Celebration in Peoria
anyways, here's the story (what i can still recall). we were suppose to go to the zoo saturday morning but it rained, so was pushed back to sunday morning. only did the picnic as planned. i think all had fun.
peoria zoo is not the greatest, still... we managed to spend a couple of hours there. a few highlights like the sea lions n the friendly goat. i guess the main attraction at the zoo are the tigers since the location was way at the back, wanting visitors to check out other (lame, n semi-lame) animals before seeing the great beasts. but when we got to them, they were napping, just like nura who went to the zoo right on her nap time, n maybe, was still tired from the picnic the day before, fell asleep without any fuss.
next year, nura n summer will have a friend to join in their birthday celebration. Mus n Teng welcomed their second child, Aleena on August 5th 2008. YUP, Aleena n Nura have the same birthdate... how cool is that : )... just like Nura's ibu n mak ngah (my sister).
pics are here http://kemboja76.myphotoalbum.com/view_album.php?set_albumName=album48
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Nura is 1 Year Old
i'm gonna say, i can't believe she's one. actually, sometimes, i still can't believe she's mine. got a little chocked up thinking about it these past few days. all babies are miracles, she maybe a bit more with the roller coaster we went through. n now she's one??... nevertheless, it's amazingly sweet to get to this day.
while chot was still at work, i got inspired to dress her up in her b'day gift from auntie ellie. then, she opened a present from auntie emmy (i saved the biggest box for today... the other two dah selamat di enjoyed)... also got a doll from auntie bai, she kisses the thing everytime she see's it... thanks u guys!!!
after waking up from her nap, we got her ready for a 3 person birthday party : )... got her cup cakes with red icing. a poor choice of color with maximum effect. it was a mess but worth all the cleaning up afterwards.
gave her her bath, and all went out for dinner n later, a haircut for ibu.
Monday, August 04, 2008
what has she been up to?
n not being well, vomitted buckets n scared the shit out of her parents. diarrhea n teething (we think but still no teeth, being a cranky n clingy butt).
we went to Omaha 2 weekends ago. had a good time. unfortunately, forgot to bring our camera. But saved by ellie's ailing olympus : )... pics are here http://elliesookram.myphotoalbum.com/view_album.php?set_albumName=album50. thanks auntie ellie, uncle mahesh n jeffrey!!!...
some pics of nura behaving n misbehaving at home...
first HUGEST bump aka benjol on her forehead... took a good 3 weeks to completely dissapear.
waking up from her many naps. that's ballerina, her sleeping buddy. ballerina has been hanging around for the longest time, but nura only took a liking to her since 2 months ago. i think it's cute... chot is accepting the attachment to pink.
sharing a popsicle with chot n demanding more.
this was taken a few days back. she was terrorizing the sage bush.
wearing a dress her tok mama (chot's mom) made.
walking in shoes is not easy.
has been refusing to take her 2nd nap 2 days in a row. prefering instead to run around the house 3/4 naked : )...
everything is a toy...
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
News Flash
- Nura took her first baby steps today. I watched in disbelief : )... i called chot right away to share the good news (good news ka??... ok la good : D )...
- she learned a new trick. when i say "kiss kiss, muah muah" she came close n lean over for me to give her a kiss. this evening, we both gave her the cue n she gave us her forehead to kiss. we melted : )... chot asked her "ok nura, what new toy u want?"
also, news that's not so new...
- On Saturday, water came into our basement for the 3rd n 4th time. once in the morning n once more that evening.
we have so much water... we should send some to California.
- nura is climbing.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
10 months
she is eating more too... recently, i had to include a light snack of fruits n/or dry cereal coz when she wakes up from her 2nd nap, she'd be bulldozing my chest even after i gave her milk. i can't keep up with her growling tummy...
and previous entry. when my cousin post an old pic of us on FB, i really2 felt i was looking at nura. and then i put that pic n nura's pic n a grown up pic of chot on that look-alike meter, it says nura look like more like chot by 4%. waahhhh???... darn it!!!