Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Nura is 1 Year Old


i'm gonna say, i can't believe she's one. actually, sometimes, i still can't believe she's mine. got a little chocked up thinking about it these past few days. all babies are miracles, she maybe a bit more with the roller coaster we went through. n now she's one??... nevertheless, it's amazingly sweet to get to this day.

while chot was still at work, i got inspired to dress her up in her b'day gift from auntie ellie. then, she opened a present from auntie emmy (i saved the biggest box for today... the other two dah selamat di enjoyed)... also got a doll from auntie bai, she kisses the thing everytime she see's it... thanks u guys!!!

after waking up from her nap, we got her ready for a 3 person birthday party : )... got her cup cakes with red icing. a poor choice of color with maximum effect. it was a mess but worth all the cleaning up afterwards.

gave her her bath, and all went out for dinner n later, a haircut for ibu.


♥ WaWa Vtec ♥ said...

happy besday 2 u,
happy besday 2 u,
happy besday 2 nuraaaaa....
happy besday 2 u...

aunty najwa & family
subang jaya

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Nura!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy B'day dearest Nura....

Uncle Redza, Auntie Ezzel, Abg Eiqbal & baby Eiqmal. ;)

nzh1979 said...

epi belated dear nura..
auntie zam, uncle jas n arif