what i should be is sleeping... but logged in to leave comments for a friend n might as well update my own.
concentrating on the current.
nura (of course, mesti mula dgn nura) is 14 months old. has 2 teeth n getting skinnier. calls me "buuuuuuu" but she also says the same for books. sometimes she calls me ayah too. things she's saying right now, what i can remember...
-wass dat (what's that)
-dis (this)
-ish stuck (its stuck)
-duc (duck)
some are associated with movements or sounds
-penguin (she'll move from side to side, for waddling)
-apple (makes "kruppp" sound, for the sound biting on an apple)
-tiger (she'll "roar")
-tummy (she'll pat her tummy, sometimes she'll pat too high... at her chest) so far, for other parts of her body, she'll show me her hair.
-hat (pats her head)
she's down to 1 to 2 breatfeeding sessions. once in a blue moon, doesn't take any.
ALSO, i wanted to wait 2 more weeks but i might as well make the official announcement. chot n i are PREGNANT. am at 10 weeks.
was an accident n gave us quite a shock. ready or not... readykan jek lah. the fact has sunken in quite well, n infact, with running around n attending after nura, am too tired to remember that i'm pregnant.
also want to write, nura lately is very lovey dovey, lay on my chest n my tummy. when i pull my shirt up to give her milk, most often than not, she just wants my tummy to be exposed. refuse milk but gets angry when i cover tummy up. n today, is putting her feet on my tummy... hmmm... so do kids nura's age know when they have a little sibling swimming around in mummy's belly??... i do wonder coz nura is acting out of the ordinary.
my mom mailed this for nura's birthday. it's just hilarious!!!... she looks so alim... hehehe, AMEEN. she's screaming n protest, n if u squint real hard, u can see her two front teeth.
Congrats for you and chot.
almost everyday i open ur blog n everyday i tgk takde update...was saying to myself nie mesti awin sibuk ngan facebook nie....rupa rupanye u got a bun in d oven!! clap!clap!congratulations dearie!!
who wld've tot, punyelah susah nak conceive d 1st one den wen u r not even trying dpt another one! u did say it was an accident, well, Allah is Great. guess u r not even popping d pills. guess u n chot must be really surprised n elated.
how r u getting along anyway? ade morning sickness ke kali nie? n how did u kno that u were pregnant? do tell me. cos masa i conceived eiqmal dulu (eiqmal pun wasnt plan) i pelik cos asyik lapar ajer, asyik nak mkn ajer non-stop n i pelik apasal la my period tak dtg dtg lagi....sed to myself, takkan lah pregnant kot cos we're not even trying but just to eliminate the possibility beli preg. test kit n taadaa whaddaya kno, positive for pregnancy. HAH! punyelah terkejut both of us masa tu. my emotions was so mix masa tu sedih ader, eppi ader. well everything happens for a reason. guess klau tak skrg biler lagi eiqbal nak dpt adik kan?!!
do take care of ur health n mindful of wat u eat since u r breastfeeding n pregnant at d same time. i nie skrg tgh sibuk surfing website on tips how to increasing breast milk, yelah kene pump waktu office n must hv 5 bottles of 5oz of breast milk while im in office. u hv any tips that u care to share with me?
ok again congrats n i'm happy for d 3 of u.
ezzel n redza
thanks lin : )...
ezzel, busy ngan FB pun iya but this first trimester is harder this time around. nanti i buat blog entry.
as for breatfeeding, keep it up!!! it not easy but so good ur doing it.
apa petua ya??... kalu after regular makan n still kurang, ada herbal tea n supplement my friend took. i'll ask her. try search herbal tea for milk production when u have time. nanti win kasi info ya, insyaallah.
as for nura n breatfeeding, dia dah stop sendiri. that's what the lactation consultant told me too. nanti win tulis entry.
macamana tau mengandung??... win tak datang period dah 3rd, 4th day miss, suspicious jugak. we were shocked like for days. kitaorg tak ready but kita ada 9 months to make ourselves ready : )... takde asyik lapar ke apa...
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