it's due to the changing seasons i think. all of the pollen and ragweed in the air gives us sinus allergies, eyes itches, nose runny, sinus pressure... those kind of mat salleh kesakitan.
the story is with my eyes (mostly). they were red and verryyy itchy. i got scared when it got funky when i put eye drops so decided to visit a doctor. just a regular doctor "doktor biasa- biasa", a general practitioner as oppose to a specialist.
anywhoo, he took one look (a glance more like it) at my eyes and said it was an infection and gave me antibiotic eye drops. although my eyes didn't get any better, they didn't get any worse so i didn't kick up a fuss. but on the 8th day they got swollen... yeah like sly stallone in rocky.
haiyaaa... now what??... so dear husband made an appointment for me to see an eye doctor.
now this guy is great. he put eye drops to make my eyes glow... and he uses his tools and gadgets, he inquires and explains, and entertains questions. spend a good amount of time on me making me feel someone actually cares : )...
so the story is, i was miss diagnosed the first time, given the wrong medication, resulting in me feeling like crap enduring the errr crap my eyes were in. what a waste of time, and money.
i dunno about the rest of u out there (like what?? 3 people on a good day that reads my blog) but i feel that a good doctor is someone who CAREs. doesn't matter if ur a general practitioner. i mean if u care enough, u will be a good doctor... right??...
i miss my family doctor in JB. Dr. Kamal is a very good doctor, my mom best describes him when she (always) says "tengok muka doktor pun dah rasa sihat sikit"... eerrrmmm not that he's a brad pitt just that he truly is concern and it shows on his face.
so the moral of the story... be a caring doctor, even if u miss diagnosed someone, the least u did was to make someone feel better seeing u... now that's medicine : )...