it's my own doing see... i did sit in front of the computer and neglected house chores and projects. patut la banyak masa, not only don't i work, i didn't even do house work : D...
there's nothing wrong with blogging, just me making myself feel bad indulging. felt the same when i eat too much chocolate.
so, i went and did a lot of ironing... like A LOT... washing, cleaning, tidying up... u know, boring stuff. and cooked and baked...
and here i am today!!!... blogging and not feeling bad about it!!!... ok, maybe a little bad, tak habis gosok baju lagi... didn't i say A LOT : D... this way, it feels more like taking a break from (never ending) house chores rather than taking a break from blogging to do chores ; D...
have some pics to share. took these like 5 days ago. this is how it looks when asparagus sprout. there's a huge bulb under there and asparagus continously sprout during its short season. we plan to dig it up and move it coz right now it's scattered.
when they grow up to 3 to 4 inches, i'd go and collect them. but would only use the first 3 inches or so. as the asparagus grow, the stalk (can i call it that??) will get fiberous and not fit for comsumption. the ones yang dah kena potong is still growing. and at the end of the season (when the stalk gets thin is when harvesting stops and we let them grow.
now, i need to go back there and collect some more. i know the ones that's just breaking ground are tall enough by this time.

I love asparagus, so I love all the photos that you posted!
Alah win I look at this this way: Making a journal, blogging is a way for me to express all the creative juice inside. Other people had the opportunity to work (yes I do think of working as an opportunity), they could communicate with others through a lot of other ways. I communicate this way. Keep em coming lah win. It takes just what, 20 minutes to post up an entry? tee hee...
But nanti letak gambaq how you cook the asparagus. Tak tahaaan punya la fresh!
yes, i agree. usually i'm by myself, rarely do i interact with people that when i do, my tongue doesn't work proper...
asparagus di goreng dengan serbuk belacan utk makan malam hari ini.
win, NEVER feel guilty about's our therapy :-D
btw, me luv asparagus!!! stirfried with beef or put in nasi goreng pon sodap ;-D
hehheh... i think so too... makes me happy to share stuff. and read other people's stuff...
but i really need to have a limit coz satu kerja tak jadik. kesian chot, balik rumah and there's no dinner.
tasty memang asparagus, but make sure to drink a lot of water as to flush all the stink out of the pee : )... it's the same as petai
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