marina was telling me of what songs some of the pictures on my blog reminded her of. sorry lady, i'm bad with names, phone number and song names (and their singers). what was and are currently hits i'd probably listened to but that's about it, just plain ol' listening. sometimes i'll switch on mtv or vh1 just to have some noise in the house but usually... no.
i know now it's that powders guy with his "had a bad day song"... and that "u are beautiful" guy... although i must say, black eye peas punya lagu2 sume sedap and even tempted to buy their CD.
it seems, i have become stuck... just like people before me. stubornly holding on to songs that reminded us of whatever it reminded us of. like my late gandpa with his keroncong (or was it gazal??) and my mom with her sharifah aini... i am stuck at old songs of sting/ police and brian adams...
although i did try to stay in the know when i was working and fell in love with marc anthony (that one album he was professing his love for JLo)... tapi after moving to waterloo, i really didn't care. i only stuck to songs that made me feel good.
and then there's the thing with American Idol... alamak, makcik tak layan la reality snow/ reality talent/ reality drama... don't watch AI, amazing race, that one in the jungle... survivor. no simple life, no hogan knows best... maybe a little ousborne (see??... don't even care if i spelled it wrong)...
so tak tau la lagu pasal cherry blossom yang AI contestant tu nyanyi while crawling on the stage. but i know the cranberries... i partly thank u for that marina!!!... u put ur cassette player to good use in kuantan time. haiya!!!... am currently smiling remembering all those zombie sessions... "zombie... zombie.... zombieeh... eeeiihh.. eeiihhh"... : D... lin, u remember???...
later when we became roomates that trusty cassette player lull us to sleep. now let me tell u people, this lady loves songs... LOVES... with drawers full of tapes... FULL... if ever college didn't work out, she'll be a swell DJ...
*LOL*..my, my..doesn't this bring back fond memories! ya lah win, i always remembered ur bad thingie with names, faces etc.. ur still doing it now?! did u mean Daniel Powter? n James Blunt? :-D yep, those r my faves too.. me stil luv music..but unfortunately, have had to forgo the budget to indulge...drawers full of tapes? eh, malu lah..that was aeons ago..now it's just whatever i listen to on Launchcast..n whatever i'm lucky to download.. hih..
p/s that casette player is still around, can u believe it??? hidup lagi, though i don't use it la.. hik hik...
yes... still like that. i think it's selective memory. some stuff i remember, some i don't.
but faces i'm good at...
really??... that cassette player is still around??... keep it for another 20-30 years and u call donate it to musium negara... hahaha...
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