some stories to tell today. spoiled my dream of a full month of fasting, not by choice of course. that's right folks, finally got my period after close to 10 months.
reporting (1) it is much2 less in the degree of pain, only needed minimal amount of pain medication. i am praying for bearable future episodes, if possible forever.
(2) lingering pain on my left side (the side with those 2 good sized cysts). it's 8 days since menses started but it's ok though, compare to the endo "rolling on the floor crying" period pain, i'll take this pain any day of the week.
(3) next will be the week long peeing on a stick to detect ovulation. of the many2 times i did this previously, maybe only 2 or 3 times did the stick said "yes"... i assumed i did the test wrong coz it is highly likely. but later realized, i may not be ovulating... reallyyyy... how hard is it to pee on a stick!!!...
to those who are grossed out reading the above, sorry ok...
soooo... i have so far only managed one day of fasting... "one", "1", "se", "satu"... "uno"... before my period started again, and wonder... will i be breaking last year's record...
moving on, did some painting in the kitchen and got paint on my hair. was quite tired and easily lost patience trying to remove it bit by bit. so naturally, i took out a pair of scissors and snip, snip, snip them away. my new Raya hair, with one side longer then the other... like i care.
and since i am on the subject of hair, would like to report, chot got his first ever grey hair. a momentous event, befitting a picture taking session.
and not so great news. our friend audra got into an accident a couple of weeks back. she totaled her car and broke a leg and an arm at 3 places. is now resting at home and missing her fasting just like me. but really, on a serious note people, take every precaution in driving as to always reach your destination in one piece. but u know, sometimes as careful of a driver u are, there are those menace coming out of nowhere.
Ika at the hospital... she's so smart and funny. i was demonstrating to her how she should take a forceful bite out of the plum. she mimicked me... really, i don't think i made that forceful of an expression : D...
and Harris's first birthday party will be this weekend. Mus reported yesterday that the boy has gotten his "L" walking license. i love his eyes... have a close up pic of them somewhere, will show it later (bila la tu ekk??). i will make "pulut serimuka" to try out a tip i got off a friend's website and maybe scrapping the "kek lapis asam manis" for "roti inti kaya"... made some a few days back and loved them for turning out good.
most favorite picture from the camping. i think it makes me look like i have purfick skin : )...
got to go now... have the new Ikea catalog to study ; )... muaahahaha

Enjoy a great Ramadhan Al-Mubarak..
even tak dapat puasa penuh this year ;)(dugaan sungguh!)
zam pon harap dpt puasa penuh this time..tapi cam tak larat jer :P gastrik melanda!heheh..
salam from us yg jauh
zam & jas
hello zam,
selamat berpuasa ye, semoga dapat puasa sebanyak hari yang mungkin. selamat berpuasa & selamat hari raya (chewah, puasa baru jek mula, dah kasi ucapan raya : D ) untuk zam & jas.
chot kata suruh jas tukar gambar main kat fotopages korang tu. dia kata jas tak hensem : )...
yeay! updates n pix! Selamat Berpuasa Winnie :-) eh, kesiannye audra..after my accident, i'm a lot more careful on the roads..tapi like they say, malang tak berbau.. ika's so cute btw! ;-)
gambar tu jas kata dia nampak muda..ekekke (perasan).. kalo tak sure nampak cam dah tua..uban 1/4 dah kat kepala dia tu..ehehe (nazri baru ade sehelai...) time kitaorg tukar..heheh
selamat berpuasa osso to u and family. wishing everyone is safe.
that's funny. kindda heard korang beli kereta baru... kereta ala2 sport. aisey, jas kena kuburkan dah cenderung ke kereta2 macam nie, kena pikir "van" : ), ye lah dah nak jadik daddy. wonder dia still bawak kereta laju2 lagi tak. kecut perut bila naik kereta jas.
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