i've been replacing my fast these last 3 days... 2 more to go. i missed a (record) total of 15 days last ramadhan. due to the unbearable & lingering period pain from the endometriosis and me having to constantly swallow down pain medication.
this ramadhan... i dunno. i'm done with lupron end of June and am still waiting for my period. it should be coming soon... i think. if not, it would be nice to have a whole full month of fasting. ehek ehek, little old me have NEVER had a "rompong" free ramadhan yet.
i'm reporting, some of the plants we put in and transfered, posted here are DEAD. i swear i watered them without fail ; )... so today, we'll access the damage, discard, move & plant stuff.
also reporting, camping and whitewater rafting was a success!!!... Here's where we stayed and played. had a lot of fun and enjoyed each other's company. i forgot to pack snow caps and thus, us not getting a comfortable night's sleep, worst for chot as he has no hair.
am still waiting for friends to share pics from their cameras. especially teng coz he was there to snap pics of us at the end of the rafting excursion in our funyaks, helmets, paddles and such. it was a loonnngg 3 hours of paddling the close to 5 miles length whitewater adventure. and what an adventure it was!!!
see it didn't rained resulting in a low water level, resulting in us getting stuck on A LOT of rocks. was quite a trip, we were all tired, and sore, and cold and hungry. but it was fun, somewhat fun... at least i didn't fell into the water... did i tell u guys i can't swim??
pictures from our camera are uploaded. Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3...

Hi Win..
How are yu?
Eh..Do you know anybody kat Austin or Houston Texas?..Any malaysians or our ex MCC's?
yoooo hooo..winnie where r u?? slamat berpuasa! buka makan apa kat sana..update woman, update! :-D
no dunie, don't know anyone over there... are u going??
marina... yes, yes... just the push i needed : )
Hi Win..sort of..hehehe..Selamat Berpuasa to you and Mr Chot.
hehe..can also..we meet up nak?..Was thinking of taking an extra or few days leave..just to travel..naik greyhound lah kan..ok..will email u kay..take care
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