Eid was yesterday (Monday the 23rd) for us in Waterloo... we fasted for 30 days and friends in Peoria fasted for 29 days... not complaining really, what is a day or two of fasting. Just hoping muslim communities in the US could come to an agreement so all can fast and celebrate Eid on the same day. But it's an impossible request for this has always been the case year after year. No harm done... just that it would be nice.
Regardless what day Eid falls on, I didn't acknowlegde it much. Didn't dress up or make anything special for Chot. He had to make his own coffee and rummage for breakfast. He then went to the masjid for Eid prayer while I continued sleeping. He took half day off, going to work at 12 noon.
I heated up last night's soto for him for lunch. Pretty pathetic... i know. And adding to the pathetic-ness of the special day, I had him go pick up chinese food for Eid dinner.
He says he doesn't mind but it would be nice to make it somewhat stand out than regular days, a little special.
: )... to my defence. I was sick... actually we both were under the weather, with fever, runny nose and sore throat. I slept the whole day but chot had to press on and work, even came home late... close to 8 at night.
He even went to work for a few hours Eid-eve (any such word??... but u guys know what i mean). Such a trooper right?? If i were his boss, I'd give him a promotion!!!...
Last weekend, we had guests. Anis called telling of their plan to come and visit. Luckily, I cleaned the house just for the heck of it days before. They arrived Friday night and Anis tried my attempt at making Mee Rebus. A bit hot but pretty decent i think, my cousin's recipe. Thank you Kak Teh for the recipe, I don't know and don't have "tepung attar"... what is it anyways??...
My friend lin went to JB and hanged out at this place where there's a famous Mee Rebus stall... propelling me to make my own because I missed it so much. She made me miss home too... bad lin!!!...
And the last day of fasting, I was inspired to make Soto. My mom always make Soto on the 2nd day of Eid. Although mine was much less in the degree of taste and is not complete. I was short of spices & other ingredients making it more of chicken soup and less of Soto. Nonetheless, my guests and my husband ate with no complains.
We snapped some pictures... they are primarily of Adam. I kept saying "aunty win tak tahan tengok adam!!!"... he is adorable with those cheeks and dimples and trying to outsmart the camera flash by squinting... over and over again.

They left for Peoria Sunday night and unfortunately had an accident. Anis called me close to midnight asking me to find the number for Honda roadside assistance. I asked if their car broke down, then Anis gave me quite a shock. She told me THEY HIT A DEER!!!
I didn't think I panicked but guess i did. I went straight to wake chot up and made him literally jumped up in bed. He asked me the details... but was a bit "kelam- kabut" and said i don't know shit, didn't ask Anis anything.
I got the full story from Anis yesterday. I wanted to call her and ask how things were but 1) i didn't want to bother... it being Eid and her having to make arrangements for the car, and 2) i was so groggy from all the drugs i took.
Anis reported that they were fine. No one was hurt (even the deer continued it's journey into the forest). Anis said the dear was big, it's back was higher than front of their Honda Element... Now, that's huge... no wonder their front hood was literally smacked open and still the deer was able to walk away... disappearing into the night.
Most importantly, and thank to Allah, no one was hurt... just the Element Anis bought brand new. Owch...
(Hehheh, Anis said the policeman told them it's the deer's mating season... damn horny deers : O... )