there must be a rule somewhere, not letting me put up new pictures in older posts. i wanted to put these pictures... one, of Harris' uniquely angled almond shaped eyes & a picture of my dad in my post about him.
i CAN however post the pics in a new entry & that's what i will do.

the picture of my dad was taken on my sister yohaniz's wedding Dec, 2005. chot & i haven't seen our family for ages and rarely get pictures from home. so on the times that we do, we're always taken aback at images of our aging folks.
but it's funny though... coz even with these pictures of our gray haired moms & dads, the images that's forever planted in our minds are of a younger them, those times when we were still living in malaysia, when we spend time with them the most.
i want to tell a story about my dad and his thick moustache.
chot is a pretty chatty person u see, very friendly, very social. so when he was to meet my dad for the first time, i was confident he will be able to strike a conversation, win my dad's heart... that sort of thing.
but to my surprise, chot went dead quiet. the initial hello... yes, but then he just sat there... silent. with occasional awkward grins, he was like a timid little mouse.
he later told me of that first encounter. of my dad and his thick moustache. coupled with the fact of him being a seasoned policeman made chot very2 uneasy... and a little afraid. my dad is also not a talker... doesn't help... pity chot.
in actuality, abah is quite a nice man.
Nice pic of ur dad. Teringat my arwah ayah. 30 sept ago genap 16 yrs he passed away...
Bila nak balik Malaysia?
yeah thanks. my mom says if i have my dad's moustache, i'd look just like him. i beg to differ.
and takziah on your dad.
insyaallah end of 2007. i have a wedding to go to.
wah, hensem lagi ayah win despite as u say 'aging'...hey, i think i remember seeing pix of him when his moustache was all black with no grays... ;-) n it's funny thinking of chot being afraid of ur dad..but then i think it's that way for all menantu lelaki esp the 1st meeting the future father in law, coz it's like they're gonna take the guy's daughter so segan antennae goes up...am i makin' any sense? haha..
p/s ye ke win nak balik end of 2007?! wee!
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