Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Selamat Hari Raya, minta maaf mana yang silap.

Raya kat tempat orang tak sedap langsung. Setakat nie, takde rasa nak beraya, malap & mendung macam cuaca kat luar.

Adik win pernah hantar kaset raya, masih dalam sampul plastiknye. Takut nak pasang sebab nanti sedih.

Nanti cerita2 lagi... bila duduk lama2 dalam bilik computer nie, jari2 jadi biru. Cuaca dah sejuk, dah turun salji dah pun sekali. Rumah tua nie banyak masalahnye, banyak lubang dan segala macam kekurangan. Harga gas makin lama makin tinggi, naik cepat, turun lambat.

So, Selamat Hari Raya, bawak kereta baik2, biar bawak lambat tapi selamat sampai destinasi. Dan jauhkan kereta anda dari pemandu2 gila. Jangan main mercun, meriam buluh, meriam bola, paip, tin & seangkatan dengannye. Jangan jual mercun, nanti polis tangkap.


Ellie S. said...

Apa nak buat. kita beraya lah kat rantau org ni, dlm cuaca sejuk lak tu. nak pakai baju kurung pun pikir2-3 kali.
Kau gi mana raya ni? Peoria? tak dtg rumah kak ellie ke 29th ni?kay ellie buat open house ni hah.....

let us know! SELAMAT HARI RAYA. Maaf le mana yg terkata atau tak terkata tu. kita pun jumpa 1 tahun 1 kali...

pasang le kaset tu dengar lagu Sudirman.......huaaaaaa!!!! bagi nangis habis dulu

MDR said...

alahai, y la sedih bila baca this post..raya negara org seronok wat! well, the couple of years as a lil' kid n as a student kat sana are among some of my sweetest memories la..somehow rasa nostalgic, tapi seronok...

anyway, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin Win! :-D

Anonymous said...

Selamat Hari Raya Win N Chot! Bestnyer raya when its snowing outside..Have a great Raya!

Anonymous said...

Win and Chot,
I know the feeling :) This yr saja sempat beraya kat sini, and tu pon dotted with sad news, azrin punya nenek meninggal this afternoon. Kurang sikit lah seronoknya, tapi alhamdulillah kami sempat lawat twice since coming home.
Lin mohon maaf jika pernah terkasar bahasa dan menyinggung perasaan Win. I agree, you should listen to lagu raya, tapi tunggu bila dah very very close to raya :)


sELAMAT hari raya wiN.
Sedih beraya di perantauan,,,,tapi byk2 sabar ya..
Take care.

Anonymous said...

selamat hari raya to win n nazri..
this year zam ikut jas n mak balik JB..preparation biasa2 jer..heheh

insyallah kalau ade kesempatan..kami akan ambik gambar nanti ;)

enjoy your hari raya.. :D jangan sedih2 yek

Anonymous said...

To Ina & Nazry,

"Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin"
Masak apa hari raya nanti?

From : Kak Teh & Family
Bandar Baru Uda , JB

Anonymous said...

Eid mubarak !!!!!
did u paint this??? or wats it abt?? i can't read malay so i was just wandering wat r u talking abt in this blog:)

Anonymous said...

Selamat Hari Raya to you,

I am not sure if you remember me. I think you are one of the MCC gang with Bai right!

As for me, I lepak all the time with Dort and the gang. Anyway, yepp.. agree with you. Raya oversea memang depress...


win said...

Kak Ellie,

Tengah sibuk prepare 4 ur open house i assume... i wish u success!!!

We will be going to Peoria (no surprise there huh??...) But janji la, nanti win datang melawat.

Cannot la, baca lirik lagu raya M. Nasir pun dah nak terkeluar air mata.


It's not the same babe coz masa student, there were a lot of us around. compare with just the 2 of us melayu in a foreign town, it's pretty bleak.

Selamat Hari Raya makcik, share pictures ok...


Selamat Hari Raya to u too. NO... no snow pleeze, not yet!!!

Lin dear,

sorry to hear of the passing. Win pun nak mintak maaf mana yang tersalah ye lin.

have a good raya, picture sharing wajib ye!!! but u've been very2 good at that, tersangat enjoy bila visit website lin.


Selamat Hari Raya, wishing u happiness... hugs


Selamat Hari Raya utk zam & jas. semoga berbahagia di hari mulia.

Kak Teh,

Selamat Hari Raya ye... cubitkan pipi si chubby chubby tu utk ina.

Masak??... ada la cuba masak soto utk berbuka last. Pas tu ina kasi nazry makan leftover soto utk hari raya... pathetic really.

Mak ngah mesti masak laksa johor ye??... sedap yum yum.


Eid Mubarak to you too.

Noooo... i didn't paint that picture... but i wish i did!!! It's a picture of a masjid, i dunno why but Malay Eid greeting card always have pictures of masjid-s...

I wrote of how eid feels depressing... being away from family... that kind of thing...


Selamat Hari Raya to u too!!!

I remember ur face Deqya MCC time. and went to ur blog and fotopages to snoop.

Will definately go and visit ur blog more often. take care...