the only picture we took in Estes park is of Adam as we were walking off a big lunch. Estes Park is at a lower elevation than Grand Lake about 7000 plus. but it's a bigger town with more tourist trap type stores.
when jept and anis were here last, they found this Nepal restaurant. i guess since nepal is in between india and china, their food reflects their neighboring countries. this restaurant is basically an indian restaurant but they do have some dumplings in their menu. i think there are aunthentic nepal dishes out there but either the owner wanted to cater to the masses or them themselves came from a town closer to the indian side... i dunno... but the food was sure good. we decided to go there again after turun gunung.
we did some laundry at the motel... in between trips to the laundry room, chot came into the room and grabbed the camera. "ada moose kat seberang jalan la" he said... so being jakun osso, i slipped on my footwear and ran after him. we saw moose... click here for pics. there are the female kind, so takde with big horns (do i still call them horns??)... or is it that the horns fell off in the off season?? (i mean non-mating season... do they sprout and lose horns ever??... i totally don't know...)
later in the evening, we proceded to stuff our bags with clothes, camping gear and food.

Betullah kalau dekat dengan this adam, sure kena cubit the cheeks omg... comelnya
sume orang memang berkenan ngan cheeks adam tu : )...
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