chot went to pick up the car from the shop. it was send in for fuel flush of sorts and change some belt thing and (the only thing i've been complaining about)... the squealing noise the car's been making.
he came home and began telling that the car was still making the noise, so he took it to another place. and at this place, our car acquired a dent. the guy that worked there accidentally rammed our car into a chevy aveo...
he was realllyy sorry about it (by right he should!!) and they will fix it for free (by right they should!!)... : )
fuh..nasib baik for free..
naya je..kereta cun2 dah kemek plak..anyway mmg patut pon fix it for free ;)
dah selesai dah bab kemek tu zam, diaorg sampai basuhkan kereta tu sekali. rimas kut diaorg tengok serangga2 penuh melekat : )
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