Friday, August 18, 2006

salam hello

i'm thinking in english today, no... not because i sound stupid conversing in malay or prefer english over my mother tongue. i value my bahasa melayu and i think i'm fairly good in my grasp of both languages (ehm... ehm... BM SPM A1 i kid u not). and bahasa melayu is the language i'll teach my kids if ever i'll have any because they'll pick up english when they walk out the front door.

i think i'll try to write in english AND malay but not both at the same time. and today i feel english : )...

i've been so very quiet, at first i didn't think anything of it but then friends started calling and asking if i was well. since they didn't see any activity on my blog, they wondered. and a few days ago, my old buddy bai emailed me from malaysia... an alarmed sounding emailed asking if i was doing OK, if anything bad had happen because another old friend in Omaha (yes u kak ellie) asked her to call up my in-laws in gombak. now why didn't ellie just called or emailed me herself??... why because i was being a bad friend of course... my laziness overtaking my life. i was lazy pysically and mentally... lazy... lazy... lazy...

so that's it, i'm ok, we're ok... just plain old lazy...

anywhoooo... i'm writing today and i have a few more hours before chot gets home and off we will go to Peoria, the closest thing we have to a kampung here. Peoria is where chot went to college and where all of his friends and later they became my friends live. we enjoyed seeing and spending time with them and now with a lot of little ones there, we loved it even more.

but (there's always a "but" right??)... i am wrestling with myself inside to not worry too much about all the trips we make and all the expenses we incur from it. that's all i seemed to be about nowadays, worrying about money and afraid of being short. more now since we've started payments on our nilai house... and that's on top of everything else. i pity chot really, when i've become a bit of a dictator of "yes" or "no"...

the dictator said "no more trips after KC, not until december"... but really, do we really want to spend another weekend in this town with nothing to do. i mean, with nothing we like to do.

and the dictator said "we'll go to Peoria but only if u finish tiling the kitchen backsplash"... but on the last evening he had to work on it, he ran out of tiles!!!. how convenient really... a good excuse because we didn't see how he can finish the work in time.

but we're going to Peoria regardless because (1) our minds are already there, looking forward to the trip (2) i was the one who made the boo boo because i was the one who counted the amount of tiles needed and then coming up short... heh heh...

so, a fine dictator i am huh??... seems like nothing i say sticks... and i'll start worrying about our expenses when i come back ; )...

tried uploading some pictures but something isn't working somewhere... later then. oh my gosh, chot's on his way home and i haven't pack... or shower... or edit this post...


Ellie S. said...

tu lah..make people worry only. anyway, have a safe trip to Peoria and don't some $$ to come to Omaha when my baby is out. should be out by 29th Aug. u know u have a place to stay and no worries about meals here. Just gas money only and we have more unused stuffs for ur garden if u still need one. ;) since we have our sprinkler installed anyway.

And yes, if any of the friends in PEORIA is passing by Nebraska here and need a place to stay for rest, our place is always open for u guys too! Heard so much about u all, time to meet lah......


Anonymous said...

sapa2 lalu kat ampang pun boleh singgah rumah i jugak... ada 2 bilik kosong since everyone sleeps in 1 room aje... and kari ayam boleh dimasak sekiranya ada yang datang.
Win...i've asked few friends yang duduk kat nilai... no one nak beli rumah sekarang ni...


semua org pun pikir pasal expenses kan? tapi u can always save on other things when you overspent on travel...
yg penting life is short, must fill it with meaningful things like visiting friends...

Anonymous said...

hi kak win..

forsure terkejut somebody yg kak win tak jangka singgah kat ur lovely blog ni..hehe

actually..i found ur blog from kak mar (marlindaradzi) known as lin..tu member chit chat zam (belajar masak ngan dia..ahaks) ..heheh..tak sangka sangat..

hopefully both of you sihat la..
kitaorg last jumpa ayah chu ngan mak chu pon last skali a few month back..masa kenduri kat batu pahat..hehe

anyway nanti kirim salam kat nazri (from me and jas)yek..
bila free jengok2 la fotopages kami ;)

zamnah-jas wife

win said...

kak ellie,

i have to write a post to address this... i'm making friends feel bad


TQ so much for asking around where u could. we're engaging a real estate agent tapi takde news on that end yet. nak taruk dalam paper tapi tak taruk2 lagi.


i get u, lets have fun!!!


this is a nice surprise. tertanya2 jugak siapa nie until win baca nama jas.

i haven't seen, i mean we haven't seen any of your wedding pictures. i'd think nazry would like to see jas atas pelamin. actually, any picture korang kat fotopages is good.

kasi ye address fotopages zamnah

Anonymous said...

actully wed pics ada kat dlm fotopages tu..

win said...

hello zamnah,

win dah pi fotopages zam pagi tadi & akan tunjuk kat nazry bila dia balik kerja nanti.

kitaorg ada kasi mama (mak chu??) camera tapi sampai sekarang tak dapat kiriman gambar dari diaorang.

ada pernah sekali diaorang hantar gambar rumah nilai and ada la ayah (pak chu??) dalam satu keping gambar nie... nazry lepas lama tak tengok rupa ayah dia kata "ayah nampak tua sangat"... "dah tua ayah"... sedih sikit intonasi dia.

nanti dia tengok gambar2 ayah yang nie, mesti dia cakap dan rasa yang sama.

Anonymous said...

tapi masa wedding kitaorg dulu..bukan main ecxited lagi ayah chu tau..nampak sihat la..happy jer :D

emm.. but masa last jumpa ayah chu (wedding kat bt. pahat tu (adik mak chu's wedding, around april ke may) nampak dia cam tua dah (raut muka) ..maybe a bit tired kut..b'coz of wedding ceremony tu..

last week jas baru jumpa jimmy(jasmi) kat restoran area setapak garden tu...jimmy kata ayah chu ngan mak chu ok..sihat
insyallah of these day nak gak singgah before ramadhan ni..lama dah tak singgah..heheh..nanti kena perli ngan mak chu plak (last time mak chu kata "jas..takkan dah lupa arah umah mak chu"
..hehe..ahaks kan dah kena sebijik..

nanti la..bila kitaorg singgah sana..maybe leh snap a few pic kan..buat lepas rindu org jauh ;)


win said...


semalam nazry baru telefon gombak & cerita zamnah jumpa win : )...

kecik dunia ciber yek??... zamnah jumpa win, jumpa lin, win jumpa lin pun kat internet lepas lama putus hubungan.