it was painstaking for him because he had to cut a section of it out and this made the tile very fragile. so fragile in fact it broke twice...
but in the end he was victorious... : )
i know we're not finished yet, we have the grouting to do (when is that going to be, i can't say) but this is the kitchen so far...

nice nice nice! Jealousnya!
Lawa nya kitchen dia!! Jeles nya tengok.
very nice, Win. Pandai you all pasang sendiri tiles. susah kan pasang tiles ni? I would be having the same worry la when my house is ready in Nov. Don't think hubby has time to do it on his own, even if he can do it..entahla..and with kids, takkan nak biarkan which ever part yg need retiling unfinished kan? Kena panggil org la nampaknya..and that means extra kaching!!
Kitchen cabinet aje dah berapa dah...adoi..fening, fening!
But lovely kitchen you have there...
still need grouting ke?nampak dah cantik je.
wah....lawa la bila sudah siap..ada kuih/lauk pauk yang boleh dihantar ke Joe hasil dari masakan di kitchen cantik ni?
TQ lin & emmy : )...
tak pandai tapi kena belajar buat sendiri. kat sini upahnye mahal sangat. tak mampu (sayang) nak kasi duit kat contractor.
tapi malaysia lain, u guys toksah susah2 nak buat sendiri : ) all the best on being a homeowner nov. nanti...
hey joe!!!...
dah kawin sudah ye??...
baru buat kuih tat semalam... datang la rumah, kak win hidangkan.
luv the kitchen babe..esp the white effect..i like, i like! n as usual kerja tangan u guys mmg cantik gitu... i remember wat it originally looked like in those pix u sent dulu... the kitchen has come a long way, as the rest of the house has, i bet! :-D
wow...cun nye kitchen..so nice
untung la kalau pandai bertukang ni(even tak pandai..kalau kat tempat org..automatically leh jadi pandai kan? ;))
emm..silap2 10 to 20 years coming..boleh bukak company sendiri ni..hehehe
dah selamat dah kak win :), ok joe datang dalam mimpi...jangan lupa hidang kuih tart..hehe
yuppp!!!... the kitchen has come a long way. it was so crummy last time... eeeyyyeekk!!!
tima kasih... ish, kitaorg tak pandai bab pukak business nie. awak pandai yek berdua??... ambik tempahan macam2...
eeihhh perantin baru Pn. Joe...
alhamdulillah dah selesai. kak win pasti joe banyak cerita, nanti kongsi la cerita & GAMBAR2nye. tak sabar kak win nak tengok joe atas pelamin pakai lawa2.
yuppp!!!... the kitchen has come a long way. it was so crummy last time... eeeyyyeekk!!!
tima kasih... ish, kitaorg tak pandai bab pukak business nie. awak pandai yek berdua??... ambik tempahan macam2...
eeihhh perantin baru Pn. Joe...
alhamdulillah dah selesai. kak win pasti joe banyak cerita, nanti kongsi la cerita & GAMBAR2nye. tak sabar kak win nak tengok joe atas pelamin pakai lawa2.
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