you are such a dear, my dear... i feel so honored, warm and fuzzy inside & been smiling since yesterday. sad to say, even my own parents never sends me anything.
and at a time when i've been thinking about malaysian food (a lot... A LOT. ehem, even dreaming of going to the "pasar malam") & not being able to get my hands on any, came this ohhh soooo wonderfuuullll surprise.
thank you so much for being sooooo thoughtful to little ol' me. I will enjoy every single bite!!!...
the story of us : )
we were roomies for quite a long time in MCC. but towards the end, we got into a bit of a bad period. we'd ingore & didn't speak to each other. and since i was always in our room, she had to roam around to avoid me, to the point of camping out at other rooms. it was definately worst for her. and for the likes of me, i can't remember what started the whole mess.
but we've said our sorries & am glad we're good friends again.
in MCC, she's the first one who told me about chot. and even showed me who the guy was (but it was dark though & i can't make out his face). apparently he had a bit of a reputation & marina, coming back to our room from her many gossip sessions was in disbelief when she found out i didn't know who this guy was. yeah... i don't get out much.
marina loves her music & she has drawers and drawers full of cassettes (yup!!!... we're from that era). everytime going to kuantan, she'd always has some cassette to get, the shop owner LOVES her. she very chatty & very bubbly & loves her lipsticks & her shoes : )... and would be constantly writing something on her apple. the handful of people there with an apple. she's very talented, she'd share poems she wrote, lovey ones, and funny ones, and angry ones. i was amazed since i can't write a poem to save my life : D...
the new marina is a new mother and doing very well in advancing herself, going her masters and all. and she has a lovely blog... do go and visit & say hi http://marinadelrey.blogspot.com/
alahai.....kesian Winn. Mengidam nak makan apa? meh kak Ellie masak meh....
u need to pick up ur curry packages anyway yg kak ellie bawak balik hari tu. meh le sini weh.....ala..lepak for the weekend and makan apa je yg kau nak....kak ellie masakan...for sure..order...order jgn tak order..
COngrats, this comment is for your posting on finding out you're pregnant!!
I could feel your emotions when you wrote that piece and I cried. I know how you and chot want to be pregnant..and Alhamdulillah, Allah makbulkan..
SO, rest byk2 pls and hope all is well for you!!
Congrats again...So, your due date is in July la kan?
alahai malunye! a blogpost dedicated to moi? or rather the me that used to be me.. :=)
and i'm sooo not proud of our little tiff towards the end of that stint as roomies..but tu citer lama kan? i find that we've grown closer after that episode..that we're on much, much better terms now eh? ;-)
glad u got the package..tapi don't eat if dah expire ok! i didn't know when u'd get 'em n cikda balik sana terlambat..much later than planned..n they got crushed in her luggage..sorry bout that..but am so happy that the lil' package made u happy..it's not everyday that i get to make a pregnant lady happy :-)
So seronok tau hati ini bila baca this happy news! I hope semuanya selamat, insya Allah!
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