Monday, May 07, 2007

salam waterloo 2

so it's close to 4 in the morning. i missed my sleep time and now am wide awake. i'll wait for subuh and go to sleep after.

i'm trying to think what else was memorable and worth mentioning of my malaysian trip.

oh yes, i met up with anis and adam in kl. jept left for tasmania earlier but the two of them were still in malaysia. they flew in from penang & me from jb. it's worth mentioning that Airasia messed up my ticket, saying i had to buy a new one since the first purchase was canceled. and whatdayaknow?? they charge me twice. and even when they can see they charged me an extra ticket, they weren't helpful in returning the money. asked me to provide proof, to fax the info to them. oh, and trying to get in touch with took forever, put me on hold for ages.

back to meeting anis & adam. adam looked the same just slimmer and more energetic. just looking at anis trying to handle (and wrangle) him made me tired. plus, he was a bit sick so that didn't help his tempraments. he loves to pull people's hair, he always did but maybe more forcefully and persistant.

he tried grabbing mine and became frustrated when i didn't let him. proceeded to release his frustration by biting my arm. and when he couldn't get my flesh between his teeth, he went for my nose. oh boy!!! he bit down hard and for a moment there, i thought he took a chuck off. he didn't BUT it sure felt like it... the pain!!!

ok, sleeply now and it's time for subuh. i'll babble some more later. i still have my pregnancy to tell about.


Anonymous said...

Heya win...
Nice to see you about. Had been coming here to Salam Malaysia like forever.
Take care ye :)
Don't forget to cerita about your pregnancy. You look cantik la sayang oiiiih


hi win,
nini ada cakap nak come visit me with u..but i said..don't bother, surely u're short for time.
I read abt the wedding..gosh..ada ke mak pengantin lelaki no show?
sorry..i ni sensitive sikit le..bab kawin mawin ni..
glad u're safely home in waterloo..
nak baca pasal pregnancy u plak..
tulis ya..

win said...

hey lin,

salam malaysia?? it was a shame we didn't meet up kat malaysia. amboi, hang berjalan sakan ye??

hello pu3,

tu la neenie did mention about visiting u and we'd probably could make it but quite hard to coordinate.

yeah, what to do?? hopefully mak pengantin lelaki just tak suka us instead of my sister.

and will do gals... nanti win cerita pasal pregnancy.