all is well... was intentionally not wanting to write a post. i guess there's soooo much to tell that i figured it'd be easier not telling them at all...
let see, trip & time in malaysia
i didn't enjoy the flight, i had pain in my back, siastica (or ciastica) pain they call it. it's something like pressure on a nerve.
i didn't enjoy being reminded of shortcomings of the institution that is "a family". being away from home for so long, i was a little off in my grasp of how eerrrmmm "unique" any (and my) family is and its members. and as quickly as i was thrown off balance with the situation, i quickly settled in... everything was familiar. every stinking little detail.
now, don't get the the wrong idea, i love my family dearly and since family consists of people and people are cooky and sometimes disappointing (right?? no one is perfect)... we don't have a choice but to just accept it... and them.
what the ell am i babbling about??... my point is, had good time with them and treasure the trip most definate. the experience was soooo "authentic".
i did enjoy spending time with my new niece. she's sooo cute even with all that baldness. her hair took so long to grow back after her mom and my dad shaved all her locks off. i am not prepared and will definately be freaked out the next time my sister sends me pics of husna with hair!!!
and husna has this serious expression she always gives us. she frowns a lot, her forehead all wrinkled up. she is so moody... just like her mom... even when she wants to pass wind she'd grumble. and such a light sleeper. and she thinks everyone that walks pass her is trying to play with her. which doesn't help when coupled with the light sleeper state because she'd wake up from sleep and in a few minutes, would start smiling.
i enjoyed spending time with my mom and misses her the most, the most-est... hehheh. bless her heart. she's a weeper and i take after her so at each point we had to part, even when i was only going to KL, she'd cry and then, i'd cry... i know, so sappy.
i did enjoy spending some quality time with my sister fatin. the last time i saw her, she was in that rebellious teenager stage. and now 19, she's a bit grown up. but she did get on my nerve with the constant texting (sms-ing). we'd share a room and at 3 in the morning, that damn phone would start buzzing. and the girl would actually get up and send a reply!!!...
and talking about texting, at the end of my stay, i was getting pretty good at it too. although i think my friend bai would beg to differ. she'd usually loses her patience waiting for my reply that she'd end up giving me a call.
i enjoyed meeting up with friends. this trip home, bai, neenie and apex put in the efford to meet up. bai came by to see me the most and apex offered her lovely home for a pot luck. and neenie send me off at the airport. lovely time, lovely friends. thanks u guys!!!
hhmmm... what else??...
oh, my sister's wedding. it went well for the most part. it could have been better but whose wedding is perfect??... unless ur dad is some big shot and could hire an army of people or like siti norhaliza, u have shah redza as a wedding planner (ehh, even then siti ended up wearing that power puff girl gown!!!)... back to my sister...
the most memorable and unbelievable incident, like the sooo unprofessional sound guy my parents hire. he forgot to come. and guess where he was with his family when my dad called from the wedding hall??... in Pangkor Island, frolicking in the sun.
and, the groom's mom not showing up. a bus did come (we did prepare ourselves this time : D) but since my sister's mom-in-law was a no show, the bus was only 1/3 full. probably the other 2/3 of people didn't see the point of coming when the groom's mom wasn't. i pity my new brother-in-law, he tried to explain his mom's absent as best as he can. like i said, families & their members... someone will spoil it at one point or another.
but all in all, the wedding went well. and it felt great being able to help out and participate. and, more pictures of my malaysian trip are at my photo album link.

ok then, i think i should continue my babbling some other time, chot is walking around in the kitchen, opening the fridge and stuff. and just now asked for tea. and he's so thoughtful, he took the initiative to boil water for me to make him tea : D...
and 15 minutes later, i'm still typing away, editing this post and he went and made his own drink!!!... : o... : D...
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