Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Salam Waterloo 3

ok... pregnancy.

i'll be at 29 weeks this saturday... and will have +/- 3 more months to go. the due date is july 28. i've so far gained 24 lbs and weight 143 lbs. my tummy is bigger and instead of walking, i waddle like a penguin. mostly due to a tight and uncomfortable back. my tummy is out there and when i stand straight, i can't see my feet.

chot is sooooooo trying not to be uncomfortable with the current state of my tummy. he's still working on that coz i can still see some uneasiness in the way he acts around "it". he never just go and touch "it" willingly . on the rare occasions when he does, it seemed like he had to prepare himself before doing so. the act is a bit unnatural but at least he's trying.

when i ask if he want to feel the baby move, he'll give out his hand like "okey, here... where do i put it" and his hand will be a bit stiff. and like the baby knows too... she refuses to wiggle.

he does however at times, put his face close enough to "it" and says "assalamualiakum" and "hello bibi, wake up". he does make fun of himself at the fact that he's uneasy by pointing to my exposed tummy and saying stuff like "eeeeeee!!!... gross". well, that's chot for you.

and the biggest shocker was when he kissed "it". i was surprised when he did it the first time and even more surprised when he went and did it the second time.


and on my end, it's funny coz half of the time, i forget that i'm pregnant. just 2 or 3 weeks ago someone asked "how far along are u??" and my mind was going "far along in what??"... only a couple of seconds later a light bulb lid up and i realized he was asking about my tummy. but i guess most ladies experienced the same thing, it's not like it's a constant conciousness... hehheh, then again what do i know.

but not to worry, i won't be some iron woman doing a triathlon. thanks to my body : )... coz it will tell me when it can't comply with what my mind wants it to do. and thanks to my baby too : ) kicking and squirming in there, reminding me of her existence.


and of late, i'm beginning to have these enxieties. the "i can't escape now, now can i??" and, "what do i know about delivering a baby??" and, "why do i feel like impending doom is upon me??" kindda thing. basically, i'm getting the heebie jeebies. but i am trying to keep these enxieties under control coz i won't be doing myself any good wallowing in them.


i was made a bit unsure by the number of people (and 2 midwives) telling me i look like i'm carrying a boy. but i'm going to stick with the ultrasound saying the baby is a girl. coz she did have her legs wide apart for all to see that day. i don't know when my next ultrasound will be or if there's any... but for now, we're having a girl.

and hopefully insyaallah, all will go well. i'd have chot snap a pic of me to put on the blog. insyaallah soon.


Unknown said...

Ek Ele chot, Pegang aje la.. lepas ni tummy tu kecut... you might miss the big one. However, you guys, memang takes time to get use to the new you, Win.. A girl for sure kot tu. Ada nampak uterus baby masa scan tak??


Anonymous said...

happy to know that u're doing well kak win...

MDR said...

win, i still find it funny...chot's 'kegelian' tgk ur tummy *LOL*...isn't it supposed to be a 'turn-on' for guys? :-)

oh, and btw, u look great preggoes..waistline still maintain, n u've got that inner glow...unlike moi masa ngandung...perut hardly nampak..i just looked plain fat, despite the glow...mcm glowing beachball gitu :-D