anywhoo... i was advised to get fall/ winter clothing for next year (i mean this year) that's on clearance... save money that way. i am to look for 18 month sized clothing n i think she's set. But the dread i felt, 18 months??... i'm not ready!!!... too soon to be buying big girl clothes...
nura n her milk. she loves her milk too much that she still wakes up in the middle of the night to feed. which is ok, i don't mind... i get thirsty in the middle of the night too. so she takes from me and she poops for chot without fail. and we tried giving her diluted rice cereal twice so far... wanted to start on a daily basis so she can cultivate the ability to eat from a spoon but can't find the time. And maybe when we start her on solid, she won't need her middle of the night feeding.
she got a major rash attack that started about 2 weeks ago. we thought we'd try a better/ pricier lotion and to our horror... red patchy, bumpy and painful looking rash appeared. DARN IT!!! gorgeous skin ruined!!! i was saying sorry to her to no end. anyways, i was told to use certain creams n in 3 to 4 days rash will go away but n.o.p.e... her's stayed n even got worse. so we took her to her doctor. moral of the story, if it's not broken... don't fix it.
what else... she's still not flipping on her tummy on her own. since she hates tummy time, we kindda neglected it. her back is strong and she can raise her head up when on her tummy n push her torso up too. we help her roll over so she knows there is that option n think we'd let her decide when the time is right for herself. although, there is the possibility of bypassing flipping n crawling all together.
ok then, baby nura is up n her diaper's smelly. then, i'll attempt to carry her on my back so i can do laundry. oh... here's the website... give it a try, wear your baby... whip out that kain batik that u never use or that alas meja n have fun with it...
aw she's so cute
macam org Indon je kendung Nura...kan selalu tengok bibik buat macam tu....but they are most comfortable that way too.
oklah...wait for my next baby lah
comeii la nura that way kak win...yeah..ur butt is delicious..hehehe
aawww..look at that cuteness
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