Monday, January 14, 2008

clueless mommy

some women are born to be moms, some are not and then there's the clueless. i'm one of them.

some moms take charge, think forward and then there's those that's always a few steps behind. all i can say is, i should have read more on ways to take care of a baby BEFORE the baby came. instead, i'm winging it, only refering to my baby book when i'm stumped.

i know i'm making nura confuse with her nap n sleep schedule. i totally don't remember how it was last week... all is a blur really. last weekend, i told myself i have to figure a schedule for her and stick to it coz the "baby will tell me if she's tired routine" can only go so far. and have her learn to fall to sleep on her own. and stop sharing a room with her...

i'm reluctant to travel, afraid i'd mess up her routine n having her out of her usual element. last time we were in peoria, she refuse to sleep in the pack n play. ended up sleeping in between chot n me. but want her to be versatile too since we use to travel a lot before... see clueless...

well... anyways, have a funny pic of her but i can't go get the memory card...


MDR said...

i believe all women are born with maternal instincts, yes..but i don't think being a mom is something ur born into; it's a learning process, and a very challenging one, at that. even the most 'put together' mom, i'm sure, has had those clueless days...

we are all clueless dear...but somehow we make it through the journey, with a lot of bumps and stumbles along the way, so don't worry..u are definitely not alone! :-)

and as for routines, no matter how u try to stick to one, the babe always seems to have her own ideas in the end!

I guess it's also a form of them exercising intelligence in that way too, yes? either that, or they're trying to protest against authority at a very young age :-D

I still can't figure that out, myself...

Anonymous said...

Tia is three, and I am still clueless....

(heya mdr !)