now, she sleeps at 7 pm... n wakes up 4 food at around midnight n another at 6 am. when will she sleep through the night... i soooo dunno... but hoping it's soon. and since she doesn't get food every 3 hours at night, she doesn't poop... so chot's sleep is rarely interrupted.
naps are a different story. naps are not in any kind of schedule... am still working on that. but i make sure she gets 3 naps of about 45 minutes or longer. she is happy throughout the day compared to before when she was only getting 2 naps of 30 minutes.
2) we started her on rice cereal. play eating. some days she'll be into eating but usually hates it. she'll do her "let me out of here" routine after spoon # 4...
3) rash... darn... rash. her's is lingering n may not be from using aveeno. her's will be coming n going until she grows out of it, or so the doctor said.
4) still not flipping.
5) oh, am quite bothered by strangers using "he" instead of "she". and some would ask 'is it a boy or a girl??"... lady, she's wearing a pink snow cap!!! ok... very very light pink. so, i'm on a mission to girly-fy my little nura.
i'm using olive oil for her scalp. helps with the dryness n insyaallah, she'll grow more hair so i can put bows and clips and brush it. oh, how i love to brush little girls' hair.
6) winter. we're so ready for the season to end. it snowed again today n chot is not looking forward to clear the driveway. he's talking of moving to texas... n dubai... n australia.
7) oh, also chot is asking for another baby. waaaaa???... whaccatalkinbout lewis...
"help... i've fallen and i can't get up"...
"noh ho ho... noh ho ho..."
ala...ala..ala...chomel nye dier.
Nura....nanti dah tak snow insyaallah aunty dtg temgok Nura yek?
*LOL*..watcha talkin' bout that's funny! 'cause I suddenly had a vision of u turning into Arnold n frowning at Chot..
so he really loves fatherhood, n can't wait for another one, huh? that's good to know! :-D
I've always, always wanted to blog about the whole people-think-my-baby girl-is-a-boy thing, but never got around to it...not to disappoint u, but I have grudgingly come to accept that u can dress the baby girl in pink flowery tutus, even pinker ballerina slippers and put ten Barbie hairbands on her head, and people will still ask "Eh, is this a boy or a girl?"
seems it happens vice versa to baby boys, too, i'm told, though the occurence is less, compared to girls..
I guess babies will seem unidentifiably and universally gendered--boy or girl---in the eyes of others (except for us, the loving, doting mommies who CAN tell the difference, of course!), until they are old enough to have shoulder-length hair, and can wear dangly earrings...or whatever it'll take to make them look more 'girly'
I still get people thinking Aqila's a boy..even though she's got more hair now, and even when she's dressed in a frilly, pink dress, OK! (although it happened a lot more when she was younger compared to now)
I used to get so worked up about it, but not anymore...although nowadays, with her lasak-ness it's excusable, that people mistaken her for a boy! hahaha...
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