i'd better post this as an intro before we go take a long (time wise and distance wise) trip to Colorado. an 8 day trip from july 1st to the 8th. here's how the plan is laid out.
our outdoors man, woman and child friend... a.k.a jept, anis and baby adam will drive from Peoria to our place friday june 30th. the 3 of them plus the 2 of us will leave for Colorado (a 12 hour trip) saturday evening after all world cup matches have been viewed. Brazil lawan France tuuuu, tak boleh miss... bila la ronaldinho nie nak score gol.
upon reaching destination, we'll go around doing tourist stuff. then a 3.8 mile hike up the rocky mountain to the campsite. 3 nights and 2 days roughin' it in the american wilderness. more walking from campsite to interesting spots. nature uuuhhh and aaahhh, snap-snap pics of every critter, rock and plant. cooking and sleeping under the moonlight... that kind of thing.
this kind of trip is the first for chot and i. we've gone to a few campings of the "park your car nearby, proper bathroom provided" kind. but this "haul your own food, tent, sleeping bag on own back and "going" in the bushes" kind is a bit (okay a lot) different.
i worry about the "going" in the bushes part. i don't think i can and chot also expressed the same worry. i mean no.1 ok la, no.2... eerrmmm... NO. so we will berusaha to keep it alllll in until we reach civilization.
another worry is of bears. i hope none come to visit our campsite... maybe baby adam's pile of dirty diapers (we have to bring all non-biodegrabable items back down with us) will deter any bears from coming close.
so i wish us luck... "GOOD LUCK".