reminded me of the time i accompanied cikgu bai dan cikgu zt and cikgu shah pi cameron highlands. we took a bus full of form 1 kids ( i think)... the trip up wasn't as bad but the trip down... masyaallah, torture!!!... some puked and i was questioning the usang college bus's breaking capability when we were roller coaster-ing our way down those slopes... torture...
and the kids were buying roses, like a lot of roses... even the boys got into the action... i don't blame them when us grown ups were also feverish buying...
but alas, halfway down the mountain all roses wilted. when we got to gerik, they were wrinkly. some optimistic students (and teachers) placed roses in buckets of water and as i walked to class the next day i saw sorry looking roses dalam timba aligning the hostel corridor...
My first pink lily pun is blooming for the first time this year. But unfortunately, I left my camera at Zaiham's.. so I guess no photo of my first pink lily..:(
Currently there's this one pokok that's blooming, tapi tak ingat apa ker namanya! Oh.. and your hostas.. they are very well & alive!! They're still in the pot though.. kind of nice pulak in there..;-)
hi emmy,
dah lama tak berbual ngan emmy. we never did get back to talking on the phone since u last rang. (note to self, call emmy)...
hmmm... ada dua rose lagi blooming. yellow ones... i'll wait till tomorrow to petik.
hosta??... we're thinking or moving ours to another location... tengok la tercapai tak nak execute the plan : )...
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