after baking, removing the cake "bump"... an important step because i wanted to stack another layer.

i was suppose to bring the cake to the saturday farewell picnic but we all came up with a better plan. since all of us were meeting up again on sunday for world cup viewing and nasi lemak eating, the cake will be consumed sunday. since sunday is father's day and since sunday get together is indoors and since i didn't want the ganache to melt... and since... and since...
that's it. the story of the cake.
Alamak bestnya....I hear you about making cupcakes instead of one whole cake like this kan, senang bulih simpan dlm freezer....
I am going to make a cake this week... and insya Allah I would be updating soon... so nanti I keep u posted about what cake I finally decided to make :P
hey lin,
that would be it for me for now dalam bab2 cakes nie.
ingatkan nak buat oat cookies for hiking and camping trip next week. i'll story more but now, nak get ready depan t.v for brazil vs. ghana : )...
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