a housewife alone at home, obsessed with playing hexic. needed a better way of wasting time so am trying (and loving) this blog thing. use to be a teacher. was once good at expressing thoughts into words, into sentences. now, words are mispronounced, sentences are jumbled... and i regret opening my mouth. this is a story of my life living in a somewhat small town in the midwest. a life i share with my husband chot and our adventures trying to fix a 54 year old house.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
acted out last night... screamed her lungs out for being put in her crib... i gave in at 3 in the morning...
well tq nura for a memorable 4 month old "present", u really shouldn't have... now, please behave...
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
nura will be 4 months old tomorrow. chot's co-worker said, as babies reach these milestones, they'll act up a bit. so, i was hoping that is the case with nura. she refuses to take her naps in her crib, preferring ( eerrrmm demanding...) to be held instead. but alhamdulillah, she still wants to sleep in her crib at night.
she shocked us this morning by making a 90 degree turn in her sleep. i should have taken a picture... anyways...
this is still a bit surreal for me. having a baby and her growing so fast. felt like no time at all and she's already 4 months old. or maybe i'm slow... coz as i am just getting use to, easing into having a newborn, she's suddenly 4!!!...
but i love it, this motherhood thing, i think... (yeah, like a have a choice now...) no... i love it, i love her... my yummy baby.
i have pictures from trips we took to Omaha to visit ellie and peoria for a birthday party. go to myphotoalbum ya...
Monday, November 26, 2007
dreaming of blogging
Monday, November 05, 2007
Nura is 3 months old
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Nura's First Eid
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
First Immunization
so, she got her first round of shots. why do they have to use long ass needles?? they were close to an inch long... i was afraid they'll poke her bones. anyways, next immunization will be in 2 more months.
she weights 13 lbs 4 ozs... no wonder my arms are errmmm... more muscular. she's at the 95th percentile weight-wise but at 21 inches in height, she's only at 5 percent!!! my short and chubby little angel.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Nura is 2 months old
but she makes up for it with her smile, cooing and funny faces.
at 2 months, she sleeps longer at night. usually 5 hours before she asks for food or i wake her up.
her lashes are long and thick... but the eyebrows are a bit scary looking. hopefully they'll grow less of a unibrow... (I BLAME CHOT) : )...
and i think she has a dimple on her right cheek... i think...
she weights 10 lbs 8 oz or so about 2 weeks ago. and grown a bit taller.
ok... times up.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Quickly, quickly
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
what's in a name??
so classical malay names for girls are usually of flowers and for boys... i dunno... types of wood?? jept suggested a nice boy name of a type of wood. a manly name to call ur boy "Jati" right??
some other suggested names were "antoi" (my father-in-law). "antoi" is a type of flower by the way. and other non flower names like "murni" meaning "pure".
i always like the name "seri" for a girl. like m. nasir's daughter's name in the movie fenomena. "seri" means ""glow" although i think there might be other alternative meanings to the word.
and "tuah" for a boy. "tuah" means "luck".
once when we just got married, i suggested to chot that when we get a baby girl, i like to name her "comel" which means "cute". but chot shot that suggestion down, saying "comel" is the kind of name people give to their cat!!!
but when the time was finally here and baby was about to come into the world, i guess i chickened out (I chickened out since chot left the baby naming job to me). so as i always like (bordering on love for) "nura", i went with that. and that's that...
why did i chickened out?? i dunno really but most2 probably feeling like i was playing with an important issue like our child's name. i might scarred her for life by doing so. maybe, when she goes to school in malaysia, everyone might be making fun of her because of her "different" name.
and then there's the spelling of the name "nura"... and the pronunciation that chot and i went through. ideally it should be spelled "nuura" since it should be pronunced with a long "u".
oh well... i can't be too fussy on it because despite our best efford to give her a purfect name (in our eyes), people will still pronunce it the way they want. like my MIL, she kept calling nura "nOra"...
and now, as nura is spending time with us, growing and showing us her personality, we've been calling her with nicknames... i've sometimes call her "comot" = messy... due to how messy she looks after each feeding.
and chot calling her "konyot" sometimes. i don't know the word but he explained it as "bantal konyot", like a child's favorite pillow or blanket. when she's crumpled up and smelly but ultimately, well loved.
Friday, September 07, 2007
jumble womble
nura is turning into a little person. before, she was more of a blob asking/ wailing for her needs to be met. hmmmm... she still wails but now she smiles when i put my face close, making small talk to hers... understanding my jokes.
bringing her home, i was full of enxiety. but things are beginning to settle into place. i want to put this down... that even when she's just a month old, i always felt like i've known her forever.
anyways... have tons of pics to share.
of nura's hospital stay. oh, by the way, she had a VCUG done last friday. her urine valve is normal and the bacteria in her urine is a one time thing.
of ellie's visit... enjoyed her and jeffrey's company. we'll return the visit insyaallah... if not soon, later : )... i'll get nura to the zoo if it's the last thing i'll ever do.... hheeeaahhh hhaaa hhaa hhaa (chanelling gargamel from "the smurfs" cartoon")
of kansas city friends coming over. it was fun... thanks for coming. jangan serik ok...
what else???...oh no, my other hand needs this typing hand...
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Nura is 1 month
Friday, August 24, 2007
update please
Friday, August 10, 2007
Our Baby Nura
: )... so, this is our precious Nura, alhamdulillah, allah hu akhbar. Chot and i are so thankful everything went well and nura is a healthy baby and we love her very much.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
My niece Husna
but i got them today!!! oh, how i missed this little bugger. Husna has more hair now, enough for cute hair clips. and she doesn't look like my mom anymore, i think. probably more like her dad.
she's learning to imitate facial expression, hence the curled up lips in the second picture.

Monday, July 30, 2007
no action yet
Monday, July 23, 2007
battle for the peaches
Monday, July 16, 2007
Tasmanian sweetheart
Friday, July 13, 2007
still pregnant
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
4 more weeks to 40 weeks
today, went to the doctor's office and she went and put her hands up there. and said the baby's head is in place.
(1) ouch...
(2) coolness. when this is the first physical contact with baby. i mean the baby is real, she's been wiggling and pushing her butt up my right side but what the doctor just did made it more real...
so, 4 more weeks... maybe more... maybe less... most probably less is u ask my mom. always saying 2 weeks early... always... always the case with ladies on my mom's side. so fingers crossed.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Thank You, Thank You
it's been hectic... or rather, i've been slow. slow in doing everything.
my body aches and i can't sleep at nights. so in the day, i nap a lot. i'm bigger and chubbier and retaining water. seemes like my whole body is swollen... normal stuff, right guys??...
anyways, enough about that. i'm writing for a purpose here, to say a big THANK YOU to dear friends. not in any particular order...
TQ to KAK ELLIE for driving all the way from Omaha and giving and lending tons of stuff. and going around looking for good deals at garage sales for me. i had fun having you and JEFFREY here.
and thank you EMMY for the boxful of baby clothes and other stuff. you're such a sweetheart and very thoughtful. if u can make it, come and visit us and chot's mum can make yummy stuff for u guys.
TQ also to MUS for organizing the baby shower and offering her home for the event. and to the Peoria clan AUDRA, KAK CHA, MIRA, BEE, YAN & ELISZ for the nice gifts, effort and yummy food.
TQ to SYUMAILA for the gift and coming. Finally, we got to meet.
The baby shower was so much fun. great time chatting and eating and laughing. enjoying the kids and playing silly baby shower games. Thank you so much you guys!!! LOVED IT. more pictures are here.
(i know i forgot someone... so i'm adding this now). a big TQ to ANIS & JEPT for the crib and tons of baby stuff. really appreciate it u guys. saves us a lot right there.
TQ to NEENIE and APEX for those lovely booty and adorable dress. you guys are such dears!!!
also, a big TQ to BAI for the cute baby stuff and helping me get to places i needed to go. dearest buddy... you're a life saver.
and TQ to chot's co-worker KERRY & wife LORNA for the baby clothes. i need to remind myself to send them a TQ note.
sorry for being so out of touch to some of you. want to write proper TQ notes, or email u guys personally but like i said, i'm pretty slow right now.
anyways, pray for me ok u guys, it's getting close and i'm scared... ammmm... that's it. THANK YOU MUCH.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Salam De Kalb
we're in De kalb for Midwest games... they're doing it at Northern Illinois University this year. My very first time in De Kalb and NIU but chot's been here eons ago to see a friend. he showed me the town and the downtown, and once went to the town's corn festival. if anyone is wondering, he said he wasn't here visiting a girlfriend... he said... hahaha. maybe i'll inquire in more details.
anyways, when midwest games comes along, he'll always lose to the temptation of playing soccer. and each year he goes, and each year he'll come back to me with aches and pains and SWEARS he will not do this again... but then he does... vicious cycle... vicious...
this year i'm tagging along, might as well travel when it's still the two of us. and after he's done with soccer... we'll make our usual round of chicago. with a van, i can buy big stuff at Ikea : )... yeah right... dream on lady!!!
anyways actually, really excited to see Ika & the other kiddies. I want to hear Ika say "toksey"... courtesy of audra's in-laws. will share pics later...
update on chot + my tummy. he's much better than before... there's still worry on his part when the skin is all (in his words) "shiny". well, that the situation. and on the flipside, he's started talking about the next baby. wallau!!!... i'm having enxiety thinking about giving birth, how to raise one child proper and he's already planning out the second one.
ehek ehek, but we'll see, if god is willing. coz (1) with me having endomitriosis, it is wise to not wait to long, not wanting the endo to come back when i'm left errrr... idle. and (2) i'm not actually spring chicken anymore...
: )... speaking about spring chicken, there was a fellow teacher in gerik. she'd tell us her life story on more than one occasion... on getting married late. so to make up for time wasted, every year she'd produce one baby. she has a whole batallion of kiddies tailing her. and we can spot her grafitti car anywhere. when anyone one of us in the teacher's room says "guess who's pregnant??"... i can bet top dollars ALL of us were thinking it's this particular lady... pregnant again??!!!...
anyways, that's it for now. the motel's breakfast starts in 15 minutes... i need food!!!...