a housewife alone at home, obsessed with playing hexic. needed a better way of wasting time so am trying (and loving) this blog thing. use to be a teacher. was once good at expressing thoughts into words, into sentences. now, words are mispronounced, sentences are jumbled... and i regret opening my mouth. this is a story of my life living in a somewhat small town in the midwest. a life i share with my husband chot and our adventures trying to fix a 54 year old house.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
let me try this again
i made a flier for that house and saved it as a pdf. knowing that i need a place to host the document, i use yahoo briefcase. yahoo photos to host my picture albums, so yahoo briefcase can host my documents. felt like a genius figuring that out allll by myself.
until anis point out that clicking on the link doesn't direct her to the document. waaaaahhh???.... rupanya2, i need to pay for an upgrade then it'll work. rats...
i'm sure if i dig deep enough, search long enough, i'll find a place to host my documents on the web for FREE but alas, i'll just settle for this way... my way.
if it needs getting done and u don't know how to do it proper, just wing it!!!... "buat cara bodoh" my mom would always say.
so this is the the cara bodoh... click here for my do-over...

blooms from the our cherry fruit tree
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
HOUSE FOR SALE... (this again??)...
Asking price RM380,000.00. Call Encik Jaafar or Puan Asmah at (03) 4022-3132 for further inquiries.
Property Details
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 3
Dining room: 1
Dry kitchen: 1
Wet kitchen: 1
Living room: 1
Car porch: 1
Store room: 1
family room: 1
Balcony: 2
Land area: 6,515 sq. ft.
House size: 1, 518 sg. ft

weekend went well. the weather was nice so we did stuff outside. went to lowe's and pi gatal beli a pond kit (a good deal at 50% off)... so a pond looks promising in the near future : )...
also bought cement and used it in an attempt to rebuilt the rose planter. that rose planter was the first thing we re-did when we moved in. because we didn't really know what we were doing, it ended up looking bad.
cement is kindda cool but we didn't buy enough so the weekend project isn't a weekend project after all. maybe today we'll finish it up. i hope it doesn't rain. and i hope chot's leg gets better.
chot pulled his thigh muscle playing soccer yesterday. it's only the second game in the league (first game gave him a bloody nose). i had to drive him to work coz by the time he was ready, it was already 9 ish. by this (late of a) time, the only empty parking lots are far away. so i drove and dropped him right in front of the main door.
we're currently watching this anime. it's reeeaallly slow (and stupid) in the beginning. the first 3 dvds are set in feudal japan and the last 2 in the presant day. and it's kindda scary the way their eyes don't blink. have 1 more dvd to go.
and also watching samurai 7... this is better. there's an old japanese movie from the 1950's called "7 samurai". it has the same premis but set in the future.
i like animation but chot is the anime lover. he'll remember the name of the characters whereas i will not. he'll talk about the characters as if they're real people (dorky...) whereas i will definately not. he'll watch an anime series again (and again) whereas i won't... i'd say "kan dah tengok, kenapa nak tengok lagi??"... he'll go "sebab suka..."... iyo la.
if he has time, he'll play inuyasha before he goes to work. inuyasha is quite good but a bit soap opera-ish coz it's never ending.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Coca Cola's new product, coke with coffee... yes... coffee. Being regular coffee drinkers, we just had to try this out. I didn't like it, chot says he'll drink it but because one bottle (small 8 oz) costs around the same as gourmet coffee, he'd rather buy coffee coffee.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
picture no. 1 was forwarded by chot's friend in malaysia. i zoomed in so it'd be clearer...
haii-yaaa!!!!... the ghost looks like chot... doesn't it??...
well, some friends and i think so. what do u think??
: D... no wonder kids can't help but stare at chot... this uncle looks scary huh??... : D...
Monday, April 10, 2006
in the spirit of spring 2
the cherry blossom tree is showing its buds...
and daffodils...
when i first took a pic of these buds, i didn't know they're daffodils but later they bloomed... and being an english lit. major, this William Wordsworth's poem came to mind. Enjoy!!!...
The Daffodils
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never - ending line
Along the margin of a bay;
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out - did the sparkling waves in glee.
A poet could not be but gay.
In such a jocund company;
I gazed - and gazed - but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought;
For often when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils
weekend warriors
since buying this house, we have fallen... i mean qualified ourselves into this group of people. lots of weekends have been spent toiling away at making this house ours, putting our personal touches or rather making it look bearable.
this weekend was a warrior weekend. it was a nice and warm day saturday so after breakfast, we did front garden work. chot cleared out dead and dried up leaves and plant at one side of the house while i leveled the soil on the retaining wall side. later, chot helped me coz my back had begun to ache, like it's shouting "help!! help!!... stop!! can't take no more..."
we worked from around 11 am, up to like 7 pm with breaks for lunch and solat. leveled the soil, put on plastic and weed barrier, and lastly mulch (that's the brown stuff on top, it is chips of wood). this is how it looks now...
and this is how it looked when we started.
*note* the straight and better looking retaining wall... our friends madie & emmy drove all the way from Kansas City and helped us re-built it. Click here for pics.
i wanted to do more on sunday and hopefully finish this side of the property but my lembek arms had begun to throb. i went to bed regretting pushing myself too far as the slightest movement send pain throughout my body.
when we woke up for subuh, chot had the nerve to ask "sakit lagi tangan (does it still hurt)??"... i only managed a weak but slightly agitated "EEMMM". inside, my blood was a little boiling.
what kind of question is that??... of course they still hurt. but i know he meant well... : ). and later that day he said when he does labor intensive work, he'd do them slowly / bit by bit so he can go longer and possibly do more in the end on account of the body doesn't burn out early. ok, make sense, i'll remember that next time... silly girl...
so on sunday, i stayed in while chot went on another boat ride and later, yard related stuff. that night, i helped him do a little wiring and i'm very, very happy to report that i can now use my dishwasher (all this while, it was just there for show... oh not really... before this it was a glorified dish drainer). we did a test run to see if the dishwasher works well and there's no water dripping.
there we were, standing in the kitchen, looking at the dishwasher doing it's thing. i felt stupid
: D...
anywhooo... that's our weekend, how was yours??
Thursday, April 06, 2006
there's a man on the roof
the first one was taken last year when he was on the roof cleaning out the gutter. And the second one was to clear the snow off the roof and the last one was a few days back... osso of him cleaning out the gutter. we do plan to buy and put in those gutter screen... something to do this spring or summer.

why wasn't i outside helping him?? he was calling and calling out my name coz he wanted to get off the roof but can't see the laddder (thought i moved it)... he said he'd be on the roof until night time agaknye coz i was happily blogging : )...
at my defense, i said it was cold outside, and i didn't think he might need help. and, takkan la i'd move the ladder and not tell him. and next time, to bring his handphone with him : )...
the end...
what a headache...
so??... what am i gonna write about today... hmmm... how about my current situation??
had bad headaches last night. i'm guessing it's because of the lupron medication. it is a side effect... and hot flashes... and heart palpitations... and (i'm sure i'm not embarassing myself coz i'm pretty sure only gals read my blog) vaginal dryness... and tiredness... and joint pain... and maybe other symptoms that i am experiencing but clueless to pick up.
i did an internet search yesterday on lupron and endo. which made me feel not so good. so i'm just gonna blurred everything out, maybe i can make myself feel better by doing so...
there was this website where people wrote about how lupron's side effect made them feel horrible and all, regretting ever taking the shot... and saying how doctors don't care enough. looking at my condition, i'm thankful that my side effects are not severe, that i can deal with them although the part about doctors not caring enough rings true coz i wish my doctor showed a bit more compassion.
i was poking my head in those websites, looking to see if tiredness is a side effect coz i've been feeling so very tired. for example, i made lunch on monday and cakes that same evening but felt tired the whole day, up to tuesday. anyhow, there was a lady recounting her experience on being so tired when she was on lupron that she fell asleep at work. again, i'm thankful that i don't work... that the bed is just in the next room if ever i need to nap... and i'm thankful that chot loves me enough to put up with me.
also, was wondering if anyone in those websites talked about conceiving after lupron. i didn't find any. just this one lady writing that her doctor advised to wait 6 months after the last day of lupron treatment to make sure all the drug is out of the system. so that made me feel discouraged... i mean on top of all the waiting i've done, i have to wait some more. and when the time comes for me to ask my doctor, if she says it's ok to try ASAP, i know i'm gonna feel she doesn't care, to advised me to conceive with lupron still in my system.
and then there is the concern of actually being able to conceive... for some, it just doesn't happen or hard to happen. oh i dunno, some days i feel i need to have children and some days i see the coolness of just being able to be by myself doing individual oriented activities.
it would be nice though, to have kiddies... to have pieces of chot and me making up another human being. but it is scary to raise a child right with all the bad in the world... the what if's... god!!!... makes the hairs on my neck stand. what if that little bugger grows up to be a disappointment. but even then, i'd take the risk i think, we would work at raising filial offsprings who will pray for our souls when we're no longer living.
if it never ever happens despite oh i dunno... all the IVF and everything. wouldn't it be sad?? like a scene from a badly made tv drama swasta... if all my life would be this disease called endometriosis. and my in-laws not having any grandkids coz their only menantu is defective.
oh man... all these emotions is giving me a headache... : )... and so i go again...
Monday, April 03, 2006
in the spirit of spring
it's spring... hooray!!!... we survived the winter.
winter was a great concern for us because we have a looonnggg driveway and it slopes down. this makes snow removal very challenging (and back breaking). Even with the purchase of a snow blower, it was a workout. yes, my muscle reminded me day in and day out of how sore it was...
enough about winter and snow... it's spring!!! and here's some spring pictures fresh from the (oven??...) hehheh... fresh of the press... taken just a few minutes ago. I dunno what kind of flower the yellow one is but the green one is sedum (it's not a flower, just looked a bit like one)... i planted that last year, i mean... transplanted. sedum doesn't really rest during winter so it doesn't really come back in spring.
anyways, there are other spring bulbs and plants sprouting, maybe if i'm in the mood, i'll venture outside again.
osso... pics of wildlife. chot went on a boat ride with his work buddy last weekend. took some of these pictures at the lake.
ducks pair for life right??... yes i think so...
chot came home and was sneezing his head off. he joked that those ducks gave him "bird flu"... haha...
he also told me he walked next to a parked car at the lake and there was a couple doing "it"... at which point i ask...
"did u take any pictures??"... he said no... : ) so just pictures of the ducks then : )...