I am very very proud to show this picture. time, energy and sweat was put in and this is the result. chot and i finished rebuilding the retaining wall sampai ke depan and mulch the whole area. we only kept 2 of the evergreen shrubs and the hydrangea bush (that's the bunch of twigs on the ground). the rest made their way to plant heaven.
and this is how it looked before. chocked with overgrown bushes. click here for before and after pictures.

It really made such a difference kan? Though I have to say, semak or not u guys punya rumah nice!
yeay! it's finished?! the house is so cute...n i know how hard u guyz worked on it thru the year, based on all those photo albums u've shown us throughout the process...eh how long in total ah? congrats, congrats on the new abode..now u can reap the fruits of ur labour! if only la i cud visit kan... *dreaming*
hello lin,
tq... it's nice? really?... well, we can't complain. yesterday buat end back garden work and man!! do we have a lot of land. boleh muat another house. jenuh jugak nak mengusahakan and clean : (...
hiya marina,
if only kan??... that would be sooo nice. we kindda settled with the fact that it's just chot and i. i mean pi duduk jauh from family and friends, it's hard for people to come and visit.
Hey takpa... takpa... nanti mudah lah semuanya...
How's ur house in msia tu?
ahh... i was about to post the info. was even waiting for monday, maklum la weekends, people are out and about. especially kat malaysia.
i mean, kalau u guys nak relay info ke kat diaorg, mesti diaorg out doing stuff... eerrrmm... if my reasoning doesn't make sense, abaikan jek laaaa...
so tq ye lin. do whatever u want with the info.
ur house soooo looks cute ... gud job guyz... even i am proud of u ...hehe.. my friends r so hard working ... n makes me realize wat big lazy ass i am... keep it up ... sweating on home sweet home
n yeah i am leaving for pak on 2nd may n will come back on 29th july ...
: )... we're still working on it.
have a safe trip... send me pictures...
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