Monday, April 03, 2006

in the spirit of spring

it's spring... hooray!!!... we survived the winter.

winter was a great concern for us because we have a looonnggg driveway and it slopes down. this makes snow removal very challenging (and back breaking). Even with the purchase of a snow blower, it was a workout. yes, my muscle reminded me day in and day out of how sore it was...

enough about winter and snow... it's spring!!! and here's some spring pictures fresh from the (oven??...) hehheh... fresh of the press... taken just a few minutes ago. I dunno what kind of flower the yellow one is but the green one is sedum (it's not a flower, just looked a bit like one)... i planted that last year, i mean... transplanted. sedum doesn't really rest during winter so it doesn't really come back in spring.

anyways, there are other spring bulbs and plants sprouting, maybe if i'm in the mood, i'll venture outside again.

osso... pics of wildlife. chot went on a boat ride with his work buddy last weekend. took some of these pictures at the lake.

ducks pair for life right??... yes i think so...

chot came home and was sneezing his head off. he joked that those ducks gave him "bird flu"... haha...

he also told me he walked next to a parked car at the lake and there was a couple doing "it"... at which point i ask...

"did u take any pictures??"... he said no... : ) so just pictures of the ducks then : )...


Anonymous said...

u naughty gurl... hehe i think nazry is better off with ducks.. so beautiful pics!!!
u guyz... lucky !!!!!! we were in the midst of thunderstorms n tornadoes yesterday ...whew... nuthin touched down here in peoria.. but quite a hailstorm n thunderstorm ... Alhamdolilah ..everything n everybody is fine !!
n win thanx for da infrmation abt the make up n VC.. i'll get mac from chicago i guess... rest of it i am getting from the mall.... hopefully, we can go to that place in missouri with u guyzzz.. would luv to ... lets see .. till then have fun

MDR said...

win..aku bleh tumpang gumbira aje la korang celebrate the coming of, we've got never-ending cycles of rain n heat and um, well..that's it, basically! ;-)

the pics do help in sparking that nostalgic feeling of inhaling the fresh air and blooming was always my fave season! dahlah usually around the time of my bday ;-)

win said...

hiya u guys,

it WAS nice until today that is. no sun at all but i don't really care, not like i have to do work outside.