Chot said i should advertise it on my blog, kalau2 ada yang stumbled on it and is interested. but i don't think a lot of people read my blog. but why not, it doesn't hurt.
anyone interested in buying a double story bungalow in Nilai please let me know. or if u know of someone who might be interested, let me know osso...
it's at Nilai Impian, 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms... i have the square footage somewhere... is 100% completed.
win... that is very nice... what if advertise that on ur friend punya journal, like mine ka? Though tak ramai org join in pon, at least bulih bagi cantik my blog jugak tee hee :)
Email me lah asking price, and square footage ye...
wooo hooo..is that what it looks like? does it come with the cars.. hehehe..dream on eh? email me the details lah.. then can promote kat org...i know lotsa ppl lookin' for a place in Nilai ;-)
thanks u guys,
we will get the key end of April/ early may lepas tu baru agent will go and see... and lepas tu baru tau the price... i mean we have a figure in our head but wait for the expert's opinion...
will definately keep u guys up to date...
yeah, nanti i buat macam flier, lawa2... and boleh stick kat site korang.
: D... the cars... haiya... manyak mahal ooooo...
hmm win the house looks so nice !! wat abt those fancy carz?? i would like to have em ... do they come wid the house;) n look at the balcony ... i luv such houses with a lil balcony to stand outstide in the evening watching sunset
(if one can hehehe) with a cup of tea.... errr.... no a can of coke as i don't drink tea heheh:) but i think i can't have this house because asif has no plan to settle even in pak ...yet.... so malaysia :( ... oh well, gudluck if u can sell it .. its beatiful though ... n see i read ur blogs every other day ... juz being lazy ass ...
hiya shumaila,
Tq... i hope we can sell it quick. yeah, we did notice, asif is hard at making decision but there is good that comes out of being so.
no cars not included, we would buy the house if the cars were included : )... naturally, I'll get the minivan : )...
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