First of all, i finally called kampung to inquire about my sister's SPM results. Chot and I did prepare ourselves for a not so good result but we didn't expect it to be that bad. Got a hold of my mom on her cellphone and the result is... 1 A (don't know what kind) and this is the shocker 2 Fs... she failed in add. maths and chemistry. My mom can't remember the rest, just the highest and the lowest...
then she went on, reporting on other cousins and relatives' results. the best is my cousin Harris with 10 A1... gileeee!!!... second best is my cousin Omar with like 9 A1s or something.
so, what's the next step? Fatin wants to go into the Army... my parents won't let her fearing the worst. Knowing how fatin is, her hangat2 tahi ayam, they're afraid she'll get tired of it and run away. we have a relative who abandoned his army duty or traning or something, and they didn't give up looking for him...
"sampai ke lubang cacing diaorg cari"... was my mom's exact words.
or become an air-stewardess... uh, no way jose, we don't trust her to take care of herself on a job like that... in my head i kept on seeing that air-steward and air-stewardess DVD... what was it?? something2 melampau... i get so worried...
my mom is asking around on how to enroll in a nursing school, we hope fatin will warm up to the idea.
secondly, the countertop. i'm only like 96% satisfied...
we asked for both ends to be flush with the cabinets but one was not. which is not a big deal really, it looks fine... just that they didn't do as we specified.
and it was put it a bit crooked at where the stove meets the countertop. bigger gap in front compare to the back... chot said it's fine, it's minor.
takpe la... apa2 la... malas nak deal dah...
flush like this...

not like this, with a lip

the gap...
the crack that's left behind

then, i made the HUGEST mistake of all, i drilled a screw and cracked the countertop surface. if i had a heart condition, i know i'd be in the hospital today on account of the heart attack i gave myself yesterday. it's the feeling of doom... the worst thing i can do to a newly installed, brand spanking new countertop is to put a crack in it. felt so bad, i cried...
i was attempting to put it the lazy susan and it required that i drill a hole on the buttom side of the countertop. i measured and measured and decided the screw that i was going to use will do the job... not too long not too short but boy!!! i was sure wrong...
(damn it...)... we're sure not gonna re-do the countertop and pay another 700 bucks, so i carefully hammer the crack back in... there's slight bump now, can't see the "accident" due to the cork pattern but if i run my hand over it, i can sure feel it...
the silicone, 2nd application...

let me explain, to secure the sink to the countertop (aside from hardware that we don't know how to use yet), the manual says for us to use this silicone thing. did the prep work and all but the manual could have been a bit more clearer... a whole lot clearer actually... we made such a mess and that silicone paste smudged the countertop.
if chot wasn't there, i know i'd be crying... DOOM... it looked terrible, smudges everywhere... staining the countertop.
the only good thing i can report is that i put another layer of silicone this morning, trying to fix yesterday's ugliness. and it looked pretty decent, it can look better but DEFINATELY looks better than yesterday.
Oh win... the countertop still looks good... and nobody would know about the mishap...kan?
And about fatin, I hope things went well. And don't be surprised, kids these days accumulate more As than us before. My sister said that they had more access to informations compared that us, which I agree...
And hats off to both of you, because I know I would fail miserably if I were to assemble all those things myself... so take heart my dear
Looks good already. Cant wait to see myself. hehe. Bila tu? hehe. Ala, if u didnt mention it, tak perasan pun the crack. I know how it feels when u screw up sthng. but apa2 pun, big accomplishment already. Hats off to you guys. :)
Oh da keluar yer SPM result. Tak tau pun. Well, pasal Fatin, nk buat camner. Thk fwd je la. May be can advise dia, kalau dia nak do sthng, do it right n wholeheartedly fr now on. InsyaAllah hope all goes well fr now on. :)
Take care win.
hiya lin,
i think we did ok considering having no experience. i'm at a point where i'm actually looking forward to go into the kitchen... sedap mata memandang : )...
yeah, nowadays, kids with all As melambak2. to have an edge, it's 10 As or maybe more.
i have yet to call and talk to fatin... insyaallah this weekend
Hello mus!!!
first ever visit (is it??) but definately first ever comment from u, welcome...welcome...
one of these days mesti sampai sini punya... we're not gonna go anywhere : )... yup, recalling all the blunders, all the aches (head, body, heart, finger etc.), the exhaustion... it's a big accomplishment for us...
fatin... will try to have a talk with her...
hey the kitchen got flaws ke? what flaws? i didn't notice any flaws at all! ur kitchen looks perfect! :-) tapi betul la win, it takes a lot of work to do up ur house until it looks that great! (u showed me those albums of how it used to look like, so that's testimony of how far u've come!) memang tabik spring to u guys for working on that house n getting it to look like that! ;-)
ala every SPM result announcement is no surprise anymore... it's no wonder dah how many A's kids these days accumulate... 10 A's dah melambak2's not even impressive anymore.. my hope is that these kids will do well in life and not only academics in their respective futures...
good luck with she interested in any particular field? u cud encourage her more in a field of interest so she'll at least stick to it, hopefully?
hiya marinadelrey,
always got flaws meh??... manusia tak lari dari membuat kesalahan : D
my sis's interests??... does being on the phone counts??... she has 2 handset and 3 different numbers... a good candidate for the post of telephone operator : )...
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