the countertop people installing the countertop. the guy is cutting the hole for the sink.

The sink cutout...

installing the sink... see how hardworking and devoted chot is??... didn't even change out of his work clothes. came home and went straight to doing work in the kitchen...

that's what he was doing. making a bigger hole so the sink can go in proper...
all that dust!!! and i just cleaned the kitchen after the countertop people.
installing the faucet...
things we need to do in installing the garbage disposer. that stuff around the round metal thingy (i don't know the proper name for it) is plumber's putty. it's like play doh... used to get a secure seal. we don't want a puddle of water under the sink now do we?? : )...
the sink faucet.
MasyaAllah.. looks so good!! Jelesnya!! :)
Hopefully mine will be done soon.. I found a cheap & gorgeous faucet kat Sam's.. so that's one accomplishment.. haha
waaa...begitu dedicated nye Chot..balik keje terus bertukang..cayalah! hehe :-D
love the white theme..very spacious-looking! oh, and i wish they had that garbage disposal feature in Msian sinks...i miss dumping junk down the drain n getting rid of them with merely a flick of a switch! *LOL*
hello emmy & marinadelrey,
nice to hear from u guys, sihat ibu2-to-be??...
yeah emmy, finally coming to the end of the kitchen remodel, macam tak percaya jek : )... tapi rasa macam tak cukup cabinet space la : )...
marinadelrey sayang, i on the other hand am looking forward to the dishwasher...
have a good weekend u guys!!...
I am so jealous of the sink! Looks like Belfast ceramic sink... wooo jealous jealouss... and my my.. jealousnya chot rajin... my husband malaihnyer... hahaha. Hats off to you guys. Dari dulu pon I always puji u guys punya DIY skills...
hey win, great job!!! so this blog thing keeps u busy .. i think its fun .so u hard working guyz finally did it.. mashAllah !yeah sure nazry is so dedicated ... working in his work clothes hehe..n r u really installing the faucet.. wowo gurl , by now u must know all the installation n fixin stuff..n win i even can't see ur biggest mistake .. really can't see any crack .. may be in real u could tell but in the pic nobody can't tell ... coz even asif couldn't ...so i guess no need to but new countertop ... n whoa .. u guyz made a bed too.. very constructive .. soo u'll be coming on HGTV ..weekend warriors heheh... will look forward to that.. well thumbs up!!!!!!!!
so r u guyz coming or not ...do let us now...
yesterday i had a dinner party three families ... it went gud!!
ok i hope now u r enjoying ur spanking-new kitchen !!! have fun !!!
hey win, great job!!! so this blog thing keeps u busy .. i think its fun .so u hard working guyz finally did it.. mashAllah !yeah sure nazry is so dedicated ... working in his work clothes hehe..n r u really installing the faucet.. wow gurl , by now u must know all the installation n fixin stuff..n win i even can't see ur biggest mistake .. really can't see any crack .. may be in real u could tell but in the pic nobody can't tell ... coz even asif couldn't ...so i guess no need to but new countertop ... n whoa .. u guyz made a bed too.. very constructive .. soo u'll be coming on HGTV ..weekend warriors heheh... will look forward to that.. well thumbs up!!!!!!!!
so r u guyz coming or not ...do let us now...
yesterday i had a dinner party three families ... it went gud!!
ok i hope now u r enjoying ur spanking-new kitchen !!! have fun !!!
hello lin,
heh heh... that sink. we haven't used it yet and don't truly know how it'll perform but we like it b/c of it's size. we want one huge & deep sink.
belfast ceramic is a good brand over there ye??... this particular sink cost $198 bucks. An ok brand with an ok price... bole laaaa...
HIYA Shumaila!!,
TQ for coming to my blog. Yeah, i need to explore something new... i was playing so much computer game... at least this way, i produce something : )...
the kitchen has come a looonnnggg way... we ARE just like those people on HGTV, just that we're not on tv : D...
yes, going there definately next weekend, that Ping Pong thing at the mosque, nazry is entering 4 doubles...
Belfast ceramik sink is a type of sink, yg dlm like the ones u guna lah, cuma it does not go flush with the counter top lah... heheh nak terang pon tak gheti... kat sini about 200 quid dpt lah satu :)
whoa..cantiknya kitchen.nampak macam the one from ikea..LOVVVVVVVVVVEEEE the sink..wonder if i can get it here,kat KL...ceramic sink is sooo expensive here...in the region of 300-400 RM ..
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