that's what i really want to be...
(i think that's how the jinggle went. from it's tv commercial...)
humans being the discontent lot that they are will wish for something more or something else than their current situation. i wish i _____... i wish i _____... i wish i _____...
examples of wishing for more would be like rich people wants to be richer, beautiful people wants to be beautiful-er... wish for more wealth (don't we all kan??) wish for more power... more, more, more...
examples of wishing for something else in life would be like living in a small town with not a lot of action to a bigger, shinier town... from let say Waterloo, Iowa to San Francisco, California : )... Chot and I fell in love with SF the first time we set foot there. It is laid back, not hectic like LA and the bay, so beautiful... we went there a second time (although chot can't ronda2 coz he had a seminar to attend) and explored it more.
but really, do we know the place enough to say we LOVE it?? but i guess SF is charming, i mean with the threat of earthquakes, people stayed put. eemmm... but then again, waterloo has the threat of tornados and still people stayed put, and the place is NOT at all charming. doesn't that make waterloo's pull to it's people stronger then??... what's with these small town huh??...
but really, when it comes down to it, waterloo isn't that bad, i mean it could be worse... it could have been Fargo, North Dakota... hahaha. the glass is half full, it's half full...
but being far2 away from family and only having the company of friends, them being somewhat a makeshift family unit, the wish for me is to move to Peoria... chot's 2nd hometown coz that's where he went to college and where most of our malaysian friends resides. it would be nice to have people to meet on the weekends without having to drive 3 to 4 hours...
so is it obtainable??... i don't know, i don't think so... chot does hardware engineering and caterpillar doesn't have hardware position or not a lot opening for it. then again, that's make it a wish right??... when it's not easy to get and u actually have to wish for it.
so is wishing for something means ur not thankful of what u already have??... it depends on what and why you're wishing for i guess. like wishing for more health rather than more wealth is always better... and even then, wishing for more wealth makes sense if ur wishing for it in order to help people... n.o.t to help your handbag collection, or your shoe collection...
all boils down to being HAPPY. we wish for whatever we wish for in order to be happy, to be happier, and while we're at it, to be the happiest poeple there is. but do we really know what brings us happiness?? really??... something that makes us happy one day, doesn't cut it for us the next.
what about the ultimate wish?? where all other wishes fail in comparison to it... do we have the same one i wonder??...
ooohhh... one of those days my mind goes philosophical on me.

i miss SF..and i totally understand how one can 'fall in love' with the city because of its appeal.. i get nostalgic everytime i watch a movie or tv program that has SF in it (i.e Charmed, The Rock etc.)...becoz i can practically feel myself inhaling the Bay fog...tasting the clam chowder in sourdough.. drinking in the sights and sounds...etc.etc...
ppl make fun of the city because of its 'Gay' status..but it's a city like no other, with a character that's totally unique and completely one of a kind..if u ever have the chance, go buy a Victorian overlooking the Bay n live there so i can go visit u ok! :-D
that will definately, definately be nice... a victorian overlooking the bay... nanti bila chot jadik boss besarrrr : )...
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