i'm ok la today... despite lack of sleep (dok main hexic and read other people's blogs, i slept at around 5 am and woke up at around 8 to send chot to work). chot usually drives himself to work but today i need to use the car, needed to go to the hospital and pay the bill. then went to target to do the groceries and after that ronda2.
went to J. T Maxx and Old Navy, there were good deals but i'm proud to say i'm able to restrain myself from buying j.u.n.k... : )...
what to write about today??... i dunno... the weather??... the kitchen??... i know i should keep it short coz i'm a bit behind on the laundry (sakit kan??). i'm particular about laundry... and i'd rather do the washing and folding of clothes than the washing of dishes.
just like my mom, she loves doing laundry coz she can't stand dirty clothes accumulating in the laundry basket. but we differ in the washing dishes department coz she loves to do that and i don't.
due to the huge dislike and laziness of washing dishes, there were times in primary school when i'd rather go hungry then going in the kitchen to fry an egg or make maggi noodles. knowing i'd be dirtying stuff up and needed to wash them later, i exercise the option to be a lazy ass. yup, quite pathetic... or is it determination??...
ok then, need to do housework... i am a housewife : D... i'll end with the posting of this picture.
kawan2 sekalian (eerrr... that's lin & marinadelrey...) guess where the picture was taken??... or what of??...

sf briddge?
and nama bunga kat depan tu lupa... tee hee...
wehh lenkali masak take pictures lah... so i can join in osso okeh babe :)
eh i mean to type bridge hish...
it's too far to tell lor...but looks like the Golden Gate..n with that trademark fog, it's gotta be SF...ye ke? :-D
IYE BETULLL... 2 markah setiap seorang.
it's the golden gate bridge taken from alcatraz island. we were there last year. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE SF...
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