Very2 late last night or very2 early in the morning, i heard noises outside. sounded like someone throwing pebbles on the roof and awning. it startled me from slumber and i felt alarmed but i dozed right back to sleep.
woke up this morning with the oddest feeling, like when you had one of those dreams, you know you dreamt something but couldn't put your finger on... the "what the hell did i dreamt last night??" kindda deal...
until i looked outside and saw hail on the lawn, it all came back... the details of the dream but it wasn't a dream!... so i took a picture and posted on my blog...
ours was about guli sized.. ada jugak yg besar bola golf tapi sekejap jer la. I think kalau lama (those golf ball size).. mau pecah cermin kereta!
hello emmy!!!...
hmmm... kat sana bigger size ye... nasib baik tak lama... nasib baik xterra tak cedera : )...
Kat sini, here's still some left outside.
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