a housewife alone at home, obsessed with playing hexic. needed a better way of wasting time so am trying (and loving) this blog thing.
use to be a teacher. was once good at expressing thoughts into words, into sentences. now, words are mispronounced, sentences are jumbled... and i regret opening my mouth.
this is a story of my life living in a somewhat small town in the midwest. a life i share with my husband chot and our adventures trying to fix a 54 year old house.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
cheeky adam
I hope anis don't mind but i had to put this on my blog... those cheeks of adam beckons to be pinched... "cubit sikeeet"...
ooo beshnya pipi
going to see friends in peoria weekend nie, will see if any development on pipi adam : )...
chomel nye budak nie..he's got sleepy eyes and biteable cheeks :-D
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