Coca Cola's new product, coke with coffee... yes... coffee. Being regular coffee drinkers, we just had to try this out. I didn't like it, chot says he'll drink it but because one bottle (small 8 oz) costs around the same as gourmet coffee, he'd rather buy coffee coffee.
coke + coffee = not good
Haa jealousnyaaaaa dpt pick ur own asparagus! Sure sedap
tau tak win kat mesia ada Pepsi 'Tarik'..ala2 teh tarik la konon...euwwwww...that's what i call fusion tak kena langsung ;-D
yup sedap. last night pun makan asparagus lagi. but the thing with asparagus, it's like makan petai, makes pee smells weird... eeeyyywww
iye??... did you try??... i'd rahter minum real the tarik, hmmm... sedapnye...
muahahhaah... win.. did u really? Hehehe... mcm broccoli jugak kot? Could kasi wind hihi
hmmm... did it give me gas?? kurang pasti pulak. maybe la...
it wasn't the first time we had asparagus, had it once before kat SF. i don't buy the thing when i do groceries coz it's quite expensive.
chot kelakar, lepas makan he went to pee and came back into the living room and said "kencing i bau kentut la..."
"whaaat??..." not until my 2nd visit to the bathroom did i realize what was going on.
there are similarities between asparagus and petai, i have to say. both are a bit pricy and both stinks!!!... hahaha...
Hahahaha... you got me going there. Kitaorang suka asparagus. Dulu masa I kat us pon I selalu beli asparagus... well, if it is in season, it is very cheap actually win...
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