the first one was taken last year when he was on the roof cleaning out the gutter. And the second one was to clear the snow off the roof and the last one was a few days back... osso of him cleaning out the gutter. we do plan to buy and put in those gutter screen... something to do this spring or summer.

why wasn't i outside helping him?? he was calling and calling out my name coz he wanted to get off the roof but can't see the laddder (thought i moved it)... he said he'd be on the roof until night time agaknye coz i was happily blogging : )...
at my defense, i said it was cold outside, and i didn't think he might need help. and, takkan la i'd move the ladder and not tell him. and next time, to bring his handphone with him : )...
the end...
See, I don't have to test whether my husband would even want to climb up the ladder and risk breaking his neck (he is ever so clumsy). And thankfully, we don't get THAT much snow ever here in the UK...what a sweetheart your chot is :)
*LOL*...this made me laff la win..chot marah tak abt ur bad joke there? hehe... so comel dia stuck on the roof, yelling out 4's kinda romantic, come to think of it...the knight in shining armour calling out for his princess to save him!
he's such a handyman tho..sampai naik roof nak buat kerja2 tuh! :-D
hello lin,
that's my chot!!... he IS clumsy lin but the clumsiness seems to double when i'm around. macam nak mintak perhatian gitu, asyik ber-owww or ber-alamak, wanting me to keep asking if he's ok or what's wrong...
that's why sometimes, i leave him to do stuff by himself or when i can't make myself useful.
hiya marina,
yup, bole la handy la jugak : )...
chot is not a reader. to date, he only read my blog twice, tu pun when i point to the computer screen and say "read my blog..."
so, he doesn't know about the joke ; )...
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